Submitted by Armando on 2009/12/09 14:49
I spent countless hours trying to figure out what exactly was happening.
Equations in the auto-assignment equations were triggered without any direct interaction with fields and I was wondering what was happening (seemed they were no "Push" equations, but... "pull"). I of course suspected my poor coding... So I rewrote many things without success.
Today I discovered that when there's some conditionnal hierarchical equations in a field, autoassignments for this field are recalculated each time the hierarchical calculation is "accessed" for some reasons...
Hence :
1- a tremendous slowdown in operations
2- distorted results.
I am pretty sure this is the case... But Pierre, can you confirm that ? Thanks...
(I know almost for sure because when I turn hiearchical operations Off, autoassigment behave normally. I also created a simpler parallel code structure with  auto assignment and hierarchical equations (conditional, of course) off ...  and everything works as expected. However, things fall apart when hierarchical equations (conditionnal) are turned back on. )
And if this could be fixed ASAP, many headaches would go away... wow.
I'm surprised no one encountered that problem before me. Hopefully, that is is the end of the story.


This is solved ! Yeah ! Thanks, thanks a lot Pierre.
And to those using conditional hierarchical calculations I think you'll appreciate the improvement in performance...