Submitted by Tom on 2013/12/31 07:36
I thought I read about this before but couldnt find anything:
I'm wondering had you planned a viewer version of IQ - one where people can view a file but not modify it (?)
Or maybe one where they would be able to drag/drop + add parents - but not modify text in cells or in html pane.
Or just limited in some way...
Background FWIW:
I currently have the dubious pleasure of working with/-in spreadsheets.
I would like to create an IQ version of the final file and be able to give it to someone - without having to worry about betas expiring.


Will do !
It is really easy to do, the current versions becomes read-only once expired, so the code is already there !


2014/03/17 15:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, do you have any heartache with a licensed user (I just donated) writing the current portable version to a CD/DVD for content distribution?
I belong to a (U.S.) federal volunteer organization that is heavy into training, training material, and support web sites that are all over the map. Makes it very difficult for a new member to get trained, engaged, and mission-ready in a short period of time.
I would like to coalesce all of the important stuff into a roadmap, encapsulated in InfoQube, for distribution. I don't see any need for RW content; just updates from me to the CD/DVD database as needed.
Your thoughts?
-- Stephen/ EveryWord


2014/03/17 16:05

In reply to by EveryWord

Hi Stephen,
I haven't forgotten your read-only version.
No problem with what you would like to do as long as you don't distribute your license information. However, I don't see how this makes it a read-only-like version of IQ...
If this is rush, tell me and I'll release a read-only version... this week.


2014/03/17 16:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Could be that I misunderstood what you meant by the beta expiring -- I thought that when the beta expires it would no longer write to a file?
In any event, thank you -- we're actually going to use IQ tonight to conduct a meeting with 30-35 members, and member training is going to be a big agenda item. So yes, if you can do it, I'd like to have the roadmap-on-a-DVD ready for distribution in a week or two.
And thank you, this is outstanding support --

Pierre, I would second the need for this, and would use it immediately if available.