Submitted by WayneK on 2024/05/24 08:29

I want to put different size text in the same item, like this:


Is there a way to quickly change the size of text inside a cell without going thru the font dialogue, which is rather slow?

This is what I've tried:

1) Tools "grow/shrink font by 1 point" 
only works on whole item.  The tools disappear when you enter edit mode to select individual text.

2) Keyboard shortcut for grow/shrink 
only works on whole item

3) Copy > paste-HTML format 
does not retain font size setting.

A keyboard shortcut would be ideal.




Thanks.  I just realized I have another option to shrink text: make it a subscript.  This has the advantage of making text even smaller than the 8 pt minimum in the text formatting dialogue.  It does mess with vertical position a little but it's not bad: 

I just can't come up with a good way to do this without multiple keystrokes for each one.  I'm facing doing this several thousand times and wish I could come up with something more straightforward.

Superscript/subscript text is too small and it changes vertical spacing, which I don't want.

I'd be happy with copy/paste but the text size formatting is lost even if I paste it as HTML.

I guess the best I've come up with is to have a dummy entry I copy/paste with the right formatting but that involves a lot of re-typing.

The ideal solution would be a shortcut straight to text size but it appears that can't be done.


Hi Wayne,

if you had Autohotkey installed, I could assist you in working something out the code for some hotkeys that do what you want.

Thank you for the offer and I may get back to you on that but I don't think I want to take on another text expander program. I'm already spending way too much time getting software to work.  

I'll just make do with using superscript for now.  

How do I ?