Submitted by markfoley on 2009/06/11 07:06
I saw the below item in Mantis (see pasted stuff at bottom) and it'd be good to get thoughts on this one since its so fundamental to how this tool works as an outliner/database.
Basically the issue yclipse raises is that when you hit enter it automatically creates a new item which you may not want.  I know I've found myself with a bunch of blanks at the end of my list because of this though its a minor prob- though I find it helpful when I'm taking meeting minutes and things.  To me the best behaviour depends what you're doing.  If you're maintaining a to do list or something you want enter just to commit the current item, but if you're doing 'outlining' you probably want it to move to the next blank line automatically. 
Options are:
a) Enter just commits the item as yclipse mentions.  Getting in the habit of hitting double-enter would be easy enough as you add items but those using it for long notetaking session may not love it.
b) Toggle button for 'auto create items' on toolbar.  If off, enter just commits.  If on, it creates new item on enter.  If ctrl-enter, creates a new sub-item as it does now.
c) Other more complicated options (like selecting what behaviour you want by grid depending what you are using it for).  Too complicated!
What do you think? 
0735: Avoid adding unwanted new item when completing current item
If I do not use Ctrl-N to create a new item, I will enter the text of a new item in a displayed grid. The normal behavior, under Ecco and under any other similar program, is to hit Enter to complete the entry of the current item. IQ does this but then adds another item directly below. Ninety percent of the time that is not what I want. Can we let Enter complete the item and then let me choose whether to hit Enter again if I want a new item? (Especially since Del does not delete the unwanted blank item.)


That's funny! It was actually as you would want it and ex-Ecco users insisted on having auto-created items. I've been meaning to add this options and will do it.
In the meantime, you can use F2 to commit your changes

Shortcuts to create items are now:
  1. Ins: create a TLI
  2. Enter: create an item below the current item
  3. Alt-Enter: create an item above the current item
  4. Ctrl-Enter: create a sub-item
In addition, a new Tools>>Options>>1.2.13 "While editing, Enter creates a new item" was added. This affects item (2) above only. If unchecked, Enter will simply close the editor (and commit any changes)


2009/06/11 12:50

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Like an idiot I looked for 1213 only to re-read that it is "new" meaning that it will appear in "d"
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/06/11 20:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre, those shortcuts sound great!
Could this be a toggle button?  Most people (including me) move between outlining and list management through the day.


2009/06/11 23:56

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I like that. Thanks Pierre.