Submitted by Tom on 2010/02/11 05:54
Dual pane
[edit 2010-03-17 18:53GMT]  -  a better & clearer description  [/edit]
[edit 2010-02-11 18:21GMT] the problem seems to be only with items with links to files [/edit]
Select a sub-item (one that has siblings please, say Child1 in the example below)
Now click (and hold) in the text of one of the siblings, say Child3, & drag it to the opposite pane so it becomes a child of an item there.
Child1 is moved instead of Child3
This also the case if you Ctrl+Drag the item:
Child1 is given the extra parent link instead of Child3


I'm surprised that I haven't run into this on my own, but you are right. Something odd happens. I am now wondering if I have errors in my structure because I was not attentive enough, or working too fast to notice.

I can't reproduce that.
2 gris are side by side, vertically.
1- I created a new item in 2 different grids ( Parent1 in grid A and Parent2 grid B).
2- I created 3 subs under the  Parent1 :
3- I selected Child1 in Grid A, and then clicked on Child3 and dragged it to Grid B under Parent2.
The proper item got dropped...
Maybe am I not doing the same steps.


2010/02/11 12:26

In reply to by Armando

I can't reproduce that.
2 gris are side by side, vertically.
1- I created a new item in 2 different grids ( Parent1 in grid A and Parent2 grid B).
2- I created 3 subs under the  Parent1 :
3- I selected Child1 in Grid A, and then clicked on Child3 and dragged it to Grid B under Parent2.
The proper item got dropped...
Maybe am I not doing the same steps.
those steps sound exactly the same - I'll check it out in a clean install - it coulo be to do with some of my settings of course...
Of course I should restart IQ first & see if the problem is still there  


2010/02/11 12:44

In reply to by Tom

Tom, I was able to confirm your observations on one of my large databases. Because Armando could not confirm, I tried it on a new database and it works as it should. Maybe it is our fault, like some filter/source issue.


2010/02/11 12:50

In reply to by Jon

Tom, I was able to confirm your observations on one of my large databases. Because Armando could not confirm, I tried it on a new database and it works as it should. Maybe it is our fault, like some filter/source issue.
I guess the best we can do now is to keep our eyes open. Maybe it has to do with the new mouse cursor changes or something like that.


2010/02/11 13:21

In reply to by Armando

I guess the best we can do now is to keep our eyes open. Maybe it has to do with the new mouse cursor changes or something like that.
Sorry I forgot a very important piece of info:- both of the sub-items in question were dynamic links to files (I have so many linked files that I didnt even think of it...)
I can reproduce it in a clean install with linked items - I will edit the first post accordingly


2010/02/11 14:19

In reply to by Tom

Ok, yes, this time I could reproduce it !
What happens, I guess, is that one "click and drag" (as opposed to click->release->click and drag) isn't enough to "secure" the selection when there's a link in an item. So the focus returns to the previous selection.
This should be put in Mantis.


2010/02/11 14:30

In reply to by Armando

Ok, yes, this time I could reproduce it !
What happens, I guess, is that one "click and drag" (as opposed to click->release->click and drag) isn't enough to "secure" the selection when there's a link in an item. So the focus returns to the previous selection.
This should be put in Mantis.


2010/03/09 07:05

In reply to by Armando

I thought I could keep tabs on this but I keep getting caught out by it -
I Ctrl-drag a handful of items (individually) to another location only to find out later, that only the first was actually successful - when I remember it and/or notice it, it's fine, but I keep not noticing it & forgetting it unfortunately
i.e. I'm struggling with this one & would appreciate if it could be added to the important list


2010/03/09 14:34

In reply to by Tom

Tom, I quite agree w your assessment. I've reported variations on the theme a few times & am frustrated that every time I drag/drop item(s) it neverworks they way I expect it to work. Bottom line, it needs too be cleaned up & made consistent.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2
Bounce 09 mar 10

I'm not able to reproduce this one. What kind of file link is a problem
  1. In text
  2. hyperlink in text
  3. URL field
  4. FileRef fields
  5. HTML pane


2010/03/10 00:44

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm not able to reproduce this one. What kind of file link is a problem

   1. In text
   2. hyperlink in text
   3. URL field
   4. FileRef fields
   5. HTML pane


Yes, I know, It's a tricky one. To encounter the bug, you need to :

- have two tiled vertical or horizontal grid
- Drag a few files from explorer ito  Grid A (create links)
- Select one of these item in Grid A (Item1)
- Focus on grid B
- Now select an item (item2) in grid A while pressing ctrl, and don't release the click! Drag directly the files to Grid A
- Only Item 1 will be dragged.
Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen... :(
It would be good if Tom and Jan could explain how they can reproduce this consistently.


2010/03/10 05:11

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm not able to reproduce this one. What kind of file link is a problem
  1. In text
  2. hyperlink in text
  3. URL field
  4. FileRef fields
  5. HTML pane
I'm only really working with #4. FileRef fields - this may be a problem with other links too but I havent tested -
  • straight-forward drag file to grid,
  • Item text is file name,
  • Dynamic Link,
  • with link saved to File link fields
as said in first post:-

!! Dual pane
the problem is only with items which are links to files [*see below]
Select a sub-item (one that has siblings please, say Child1 in the example below)
Now click (and hold) in the text of one of the [other] siblings, say Child3, & drag it to the opposite pane so it becomes a child of an item there.
Child1 is moved instead of Child3 [which should have been moved]
This also the case if you Ctrl+Drag the item:
Child1 is given the extra parent link instead of Child3

* The important item is the one that you actually drag (Child3 in this example) - if that is a file link I always have this problem


2010/03/17 08:19

In reply to by Tom

(a better & clearer description than the previous post)
Version 0.9.25Pre-Rel19 build 2010-03-10 11:34:00 Beta
Clean install + New Sample file
I can reproduce this everytime:
Create a file link sub-item in IQ (Child3 in the example below):
  • drag file to grid from file manager
  • Item text is file name
  • Dynamic Link
  • with link saved to File link fields
!! Dual pane
Select a sub-item, Child1 here - it has siblings, at least one of which is a file link
Child2 [this is superfluous here, but I left it in as it was in example above]
Child3 [this is our linked file]
Now click (and hold) in the text of a sibling that is a file link - Child3 here, & drag it to the opposite pane so it becomes a child of an item there.
Child1 is moved instead of Child3 (which should have been moved)
This also the case if you Ctrl+Drag the item:
Child1 is given the extra parent link instead of Child3


2010/03/22 02:35

In reply to by Tom

I'm now able to reproduce this issue.
This is a grid specific issue, in that the selection does not change when clicking on a hyperlink. Until this is fixed, you can either:
  1. Start drag-drop on some other part of the item (i.e. the # column or some other)
  2. Ensure that you first click to select the item and then drag-drop


2010/03/22 11:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This is a grid specific issue, in that the selection does not change when clicking on a hyperlink. Until this is fixed [...][/quote]
OK thanks Pierre