Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2010/11/05 21:10
Version 0.9.25F includes:

Bug Fixes

New Features

note: As v0.9.25E was not the most stable all users are encouraged to upgrade


I have a little problem with the properties pane here : can't enter/modify data.
I might be a special case though. Users : please check that out.


2010/11/19 13:54

In reply to by Armando

No, I can confirm that there is a problem with the Properties pane. I'll fix this today

The three new features are excellent.
(current users, remember you have to reset the keyboard customizations, to get these revised keyboard shortcuts.  documented on -- link to nonexistent node ID 145 --


2010/11/19 21:47

In reply to by KeithB

The three new features are excellent.
(current users, remember you have to reset the keyboard customizations, to get these revised keyboard shortcuts.  documented on -- link to nonexistent node ID 145 --
Yes, they are nice.
1- before resetting, it's good to make sure that user defined shortcut are there and saved (tools > Keyboard shortcuts > view custom shortcuts). They can even be backed up if loosing them means a lot of work...
2- after resetting, if needed (usually it is...) users should re-load their custom shortcuts.
As an aside  : I think that when resetting the shortcuts , the IQ dialog should mention the fact that custom shortcuts can be reloaded at will. Right now, it delivers a message which meaning isn't necessarily clear ("This action will remove all custom key assignment at the text level").

[quote]Pressing INS to add a new item, now adds it to the top of the list, not the bottom[/quote]
Is there a way to toggle this new behaviour on/off (i.e., revert to old behaviour)?
As far as I can tell, this new behaviour sometimes also takes effect even when just pressing 'enter', which is unexpected.


2010/11/26 15:16

In reply to by lucasd

[quote]Pressing INS to add a new item, now adds it to the top of the list, not the bottom[/quote]
Is there a way to toggle this new behaviour on/off (i.e., revert to old behaviour)?
As far as I can tell, this new behaviour sometimes also takes effect even when just pressing 'enter', which is unexpected.
I can't reproduce this... What's your settings for the enter key ?
Here's mine in the Tools -> Options dialog.


2010/11/27 00:45

In reply to by lucasd

I was able to reproduce the issue. 3 situations:
  1. (Grid>>Properties>>Down arrow creates a new item
  2. Double-click on the white area below the items
  3. Ctrl-down-arrow
will add it at the top. This is now fixed in v0.9.25H.


2010/11/27 22:52

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Okay, in fact, I have now realized that I was confused before, and the unexpected behaviour happened not with pressing 'enter' but rather with double-clicking the white space (#2 above).