Submitted by WayneK on 2024/12/01 18:55

I'd like the ability to fill color to any cell, regardless of field type or grid settings.  Right now, you can only apply fill color to a pre-determined set of fields, and you can only use one color per line.

I'd like to be able to do this:

You can substitute text fill color but it doesn't look as nice and is harder to see.  Plus, it's time-consuming to select and highlight text in multiple cells.

And, of course, tell me if there's a way to do this now.


Win10, 126.3


OK.  We'll have to agree to disagree on this.  

A non-programmer is going to struggle with conditional formatting, as I did when I tried it a few years ago.  I spent many an hour figuring it out, and eventually abandoned it because it was too cumbersome for what I want to do.

Maybe I'll gear up and tackle it again, but really, I just want to click on a cell and add a fill color.  It really shouldn't be more complicated than that for the user (in my opinion, of course).

I understand that setting up formulas is necessary for conditional formatting.  We already have that.  I'm talking about non-conditional formatting where you just manually add fill colors.  That would be way easier and more practical for the average user.


Hi Wayne,

Understood. However the grid-gantt component I use does not have that capability. So conditional formatting, be it cumbersome to set it up, is the only way to achieve what you want.

The only other method I could think of, is to use custom icons, squares of different colors. This would allow you to enter one or more colors in a dedicated cell for that purpose. Cherry on the cake, you'd be able to search for it. 

These icons could also be used in tag names which would make it easier to assign them
