Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2011/07/06 18:46
1. When user enters a value, the form moves to the top instead of remaining where data was entered. Result: user has to scroll down for each field data entry
2. working w boolean check box, it appears that click / check mark only takes if user clicks on blank half of box which is a small target


Hi Jan,
Just to be sure, you're referring to:
  • the grid
  • the properties pane
  • the manage field dialog


2011/07/07 10:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes,Pierre. Tks.


2011/07/07 11:22

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

euh... This was a question... Grid ? Properties pane ? or Field Management ?


2011/07/07 15:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Ooooooooh, sorry . In properties pane.

Cant confirm it all - but the problem is in forms in the properties pane
If you have a form with a lot of fields, the field you tick will "jump up" to the top of the screen (or as near to it as it can get - this also depends on what entries/forms are above it).
Ticking a checkbox does seem slightly erratic at times, but mostly it works as expected here. (Also ticking outside the box will select it, as expected.)

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