Submitted by reesd on 2012/12/11 09:53
Does the Grid Filter EditBox (Source Filter Editbox) have some sort of length limit? It seems like it doesn't remember my longer filters (which are the ones I really want it to remember).
For instance I never get this one in the history:
((PriIntH <= 2 OR (PriIntH <= 3 AND DueDateH < 3 + Date())) AND StartDateH <= Date() OR SpriH) AND Check is null 
And the longest one I have in my history is this one:
(PriIntH <= 2 OR DueDateH < 3 + Date()) AND StartDate >= Date()


Strange, I can save long filters...
How many filters do you have in the list ?


2012/12/12 15:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 See attached. I'm not really sure how it determines what ones it keeps, but its not always the most recent.


2012/12/12 17:13

In reply to by reesd

You have 50 entries in the list. Can you try clearing some entries?
There is an arbitrary limit of 50 items in this list. And perhaps, when this limit is reached, it incorrectly chooses to not save it.