Submitted by Armando on 2014/08/08 20:26
When all visible subs are removed from an item (e.g. by moving them) it's impossible to view the remaining hidden** subs by using the "show all subitems"  item context menu option -- unless one  does a refresh.
Before a refresh, the parent will be displayed as if it had no subitems at all. (This bug appeared a few versions ago)
Of course this can be a bit dangerous : if one deletes the parent thinking it has no subs, it's easy to delete the children too (IQ warns the  user that it will delete subitems, but...  )
**(e.g. hidden because of the filter settings) 


Works here when I try it.
Which filtering method are you using ?


2014/08/21 14:07

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Just came back from a short trip.
Thanks for looking into it.
Yes, it seems to work now !  Maybe it got solved with v31, maybe it's related to a few specific grids and I didn't notice -- in any case, I'll certainly see it again if it's not fixed.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz