Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/09/04 13:28
Manage grids > data > auto assign the following fields (comma separated list)
1st one ok, next one replaces the first one even w <CTRL> selected


Manage grids > data > auto assign the following fields (comma separated list)
1st one ok, next one replaces the first one even w <CTRL> selected
You mean when you click on the drop-down list (I'm used to simply typing in - which works okay) - yes, I guess a tick-box would be better (?)


2010/09/04 21:22

In reply to by Tom

sure but why have drp down menu if it DOESN'T WORK  for multiple selections?
IMHO user should b able 2 select multiple entries from drop don menu w <ctrl>+click 


2010/09/05 13:38

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

sure but why have drp down menu if it DOESN'T WORK  for multiple selections?
IMHO user should b able 2 select multiple entries from drop don menu w <ctrl>+click 
agreed (I wasnt disagreeing above btw!)

This issue (in this context or in a similar one) has been discussed before. I've acknowledged that it needs improvements. Expect it in v0.9.27

Improve multiple selection in several Drop Down lists (like grid management auto assign field list)  Bugminornew