I like it a lot!

Submitted by Anonymous on 2008/11/20 23:32
Hello Pierre and all,
Great job of work going on here with the InfoQube program, concept, website, etc.  I have been using IQ for several days now intermittently, and almost uninterrupted all day today, and I really like what I've been able to understand about it. 
I'm sure I'm still missing a lot of the conceptual niceties, and I'm having some problems that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else (and of course I'm wondering if it's just me being ignorant or if I'm really finding this stuff!).  I also have a particular style of use of an outline/database program that I'd like to be able to use with IQ, but that I so far have not been able to accommodate for one reason or another.
Consequently, I'll be adding several posts to the bug report forum and the suggestions forum shortly.  I hope I don't muddy the water too much, and hopefully these posts will help in the development effort.
My experience goes back to the late 70's, when I started using BASIC on a Commodore PET, Apple, and Atari.  I originally used VisiCalc as my PIM of choice (the only choice at the time, I think), then worked my way through a lot of other programs including Lotus Agenda, Ecco (Arabesque and NetManage), J&J Commence, and some of the later GUI PIMs as well - AskSam, InfoSelect, and about 20 others that I've chosen to forget entirely.  And of course Outlook, Thunderbird, Lightning, blah, blah, blah...
Anyway, thanks for the efforts, keep up the good work, and
Best regards,
Delta Foxtrot


Welcome to the forum Delta Foxtrot!
All participation is greatly appreciated.
( Late 70's ? wow...and all these outliners... Great to have you around!)


2008/11/20 23:59

In reply to by Armando

Hey Armando!
Yeah, I'm an old curmugeon, but I've wrung out a lot of outliners, PIMs, IMSs, and DBMSs over the years. 
That's both good and bad, of course: On the one hand, I can evaluate a lot of stuff fairly quickly, but on the other hand I know just what I'm looking for, and if I can't find it fairly quickly I get a little put off.
I'm certainly impressed with what I see in IQ, though!