A search Box in the "manual" section ? (and/or... A search box at the top of everypage ?)

Submitted by Armando on 2009/09/13 18:57
I don't know... It just seems that so many things are already answered in the manual...  Maybe if there was some "Search the manual" option somewhere (on the search page AND on the manual page, etc.) , it would help the users out there to use the manual.
Also : I always found the fact that the "search" text box is only available on the search page a bit strange. Most Web sites/forums have it at the top of almost everypage). Having it at the top of everypage would make the IQ community "menu/section" smaller (a good thing IMO), and would probably encourage searching. And, of course, a "search the manual" option would make it even easier to find answers.
What do you think, users ?


Very very much plus one -
on both counts
having to open a page for search makes it very awkward to use

There you go... A search box in the upper right corner.
To limit the search, you can use the following syntax:
Search text type:book
i.e. enter: smart fields type:book
Type can be:
  • forum
  • blog
  • book


2009/09/14 09:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

that's great Pierre
I'll chance another smaller request for the site:
In with the links on the left, I would love to see a link for the Glossary in the manual (-- link to nonexistent node ID 90 --) -
the Manual Glossary wouldnt be the first stop for new people, but, as they start getting to know IQ it could be very helpful first stop when looking to understand things - it could also be used as an index to a certain extent, linking to relevant book pages.
just btw & in case you do want to springclean the links on the left:
the only other links I really regularly use on the left are the New Posts, Forums, and the User manual


2009/09/14 10:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This will only be useful to new users if they know the proper syntax, i.e. they don't have to find this post to know how to use it. This should be visible on mouse over or under search box. Same thing is true for IQ, itself.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/09/14 16:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks. That's good first step.
Like Jan, I think that the mouse over help should indicate clearly how to search the manual. Or even 3 buttons or check box or whatever saying "manual", "forum", "advanced" beside the searchbox would even be better.
Being able to easily search the manual without having to search to know how to search is hugely  important.