Does this path look familiar: Sauvegardes\Program Source\Bureautique ??

Submitted by Tom on 2009/10/25 11:54
I came across this by accident on my USB stick
D:\Sauvegardes\Program Source\Bureautique
I'm wondering could this have anything to do with IQ - it's a very wild guess but the fact it's in french and has a folder 'Program Source' made me think of the only french speaking programmer I know... I looked it up and Sauvegardes is backup for all <you other non-French speakers!


Hmmmm... Maybe if Pierre sent you something...?
I have nothing on my computer that has that file path.
Or maybe is that the default backup folder for IQ ? I didn't check...

I've never seen that path before, so it isn't coming from me!


2009/10/25 14:12

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks for the prompt responses - on looking closer I think it's from Directory opus which I upgraded recently (I dont have the french version but maybe it has some crossed wires)


2009/10/25 14:50

In reply to by Tom

Or maybe it's that French girl you mentioned some time ago... remember her?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/10/25 15:06

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Or maybe it's that French girl you mentioned some time ago... remember her? [/quote]
she must have been messing around when I wasnt looking


2009/10/25 15:20

In reply to by Tom

That's no fun. Sorry, Tom.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/10/25 16:34

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I actually laughed...