Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/04 11:03
I grabbed some data I need to use as a reference as I was writing
I used the <F11> function on the HTML pane
It zoomed out of IQ but IQ remained behind it
I then minimized IQ to reduce clutter before opening my writing tool only to discover HTML pane went w it
Is it possible to pin zoomed window so it can be used as reference w another program?
Thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


No, this is not possible. The HTML pane belongs to the IQ main window, so minimize one, the other one does too. I suggest making the main IQ window really small and maximizing it when you want to see it and un-maximize it when you don't want to see it.


2009/11/04 12:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

What could also be done I guess is to convert the HTML file to MHT (use the right button for that -- a shortcut can be assigned to it -- mine is ctrl-shift-w), and then have the file open in Word or BlockNote. This works very well, I do it everyday.