Error during installation on Windows2000 SP3

Submitted by Anonymous on 2008/11/21 13:15
Hello to all! Some days ago I tried to install on Windows2000 b2195 SP3 and get error message during installation, like this: C:\WinNT\System32\ChilkatMHT.dll Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x5 Click RETRY to try again, IGNORE or ABORT: After click on RETRY get the same. After Ignore setup was finished. And after that I tried to start program. It loads, but there are no grids after loading. I can see interface of program (toolbars, menu etc) and can't make any test database: program hunguped. Also calendar view is present but I can't to put any items in it, program hangups. My OS: Windows 2000 5.0 b2195 SP3 (Rus)


I've forwarded this message to the component manufacturer.
BTW, you've tried installing on a fresh Windows start? with the same result?


2008/11/21 14:43

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I've forwarded this message to the component manufacturer.
BTW, you've tried installing on a fresh Windows start? with the same result?
[/quote] Yes, I tried to install program after Windows start. I didn't uninstall it and didn't tried to install once again. Maybe today or tommorow I'll try to do this. Problem is: unable to register ChilkatMHT.dll in Windows. IQ/SQLNotes uses this DLL. I can try to register it manually with regsrv32.exe, but I think result will be the same. Hmm, I found with Google similar problem for other users (not exactly): Could you tell me why setup program puts this DLL and others DLL in WinNT\System32 and also copy them in Program installation subfolder (\Controls)?


2008/11/21 14:47

In reply to by Anonymous

[quote=SoftHunter]Could you tell me why setup program puts this DLL and others DLL in WinNT\System32 and also copy them in Program installation subfolder (\Controls)?[/quote]
Could you double-check as this is not happening here. ChilkatMHT.DLL should go in System32 (uninstall and re-install if necessary).
Has a previous version been installed on that computer?


2008/11/21 15:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Could you double-check as this is not happening here. ChilkatMHT.DLL should go in System32 (uninstall and re-install if necessary).
Has a previous version been installed on that computer?
[/quote] Now I'm using my work computer (WindowsXP), I'll try to do this at home later. It was first installation of IQ/SN. I traced installation process and sure some DLLs puts in \System32 and also in subfolder \Contol of SN installation folder.


2008/11/21 15:22

In reply to by Anonymous

True, but the same DLL is not installed in 2 places.
Those in \controls are to because of possible version conflicts (there should be only one control there)


2008/11/27 15:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi! 1. I uninstall SQN /IQ and tried to install once again. The same error and the same result (see first message of this topic). 2. About dll in \Controls folder. Sorry, It was my mistake (I have portable version on USB and look at it in Windows Explorer). Dll during installation puts in WinNT\System32. 3. Problem is - ChilkatMHT.dll (regsrv32.exe can't register it). I read somewhere in Internet, that this Dll needs Windows ScriptHost 5.6 and high. I nstall vesion 5.6 (eng) om my Russian OS. Anyway, after that - regsrv32.exe can't register it. Such things. P.S. I could answer on this topic only tommorow.


2008/12/04 12:08

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hello! Some day ago I download ActiveX ChilkatMHT component (trial version) from official site and install this component (ChilkatMHT.dll). There were no errors, it installed OK. After that I tried to use SN/IQ (installed before) and get all the problems, that I described in first message: - I see HTML pane (some items have HTML ID) but nothing information inside it - I can't put any items in calendar (I put info into fields, press Enter but item is not saves, calendar stay empty (and after reload of file too) - I can see some grids (maybe not all of them are working correctly, because I don't know exactly how program works - I install it for this purpose) Could you answer: - Need I some MS component installed on my home PC for work with SN/IQ? Like Outlook (for calendar), or which version of IE needed for correct showing info in HTML pane (by default I have IE v5.0, I don't use it at all, I use Opera). It seems to me, that there are some problems with working SN/IQ on Windows-2000 besides of problems with ChilkatMHT.dll (now I solved it with official trial version) but program don't work like it should do.


2008/12/04 12:48

In reply to by Anonymous

Though not fully tested, the minimum configuration should be:
  • Windows 2000, fully patched
  • IE 6.0
  • Office and Outlook are not required. If absent, the only consequence is that pivot tables/charts will not be enabled.
I hope this helps. I unfortunately do not currently have either the time nor the hardware/software to test your configuration.

I just tried installing InfoQube 0.9.24 Pre-Rel 7 and I'm getting this same error. I'm running on Windows 2000 SP4 and I have IE 6.0.28. I tried re-starting my machine ant trying again but I always seem to get this same message. I selected Abort when I got this error so I haven't tried to see what happens if I proceed with the error (Ignore). Was there any solution or work-around already found for this? Thanks, -Doug


2009/02/03 13:28

In reply to by Anonymous

I just wrote to the component supplier. Will report back as soon as I get an answer


2009/03/06 09:26

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I have been using ECCO Pro for at least 15 years, and it is seemingly indispensable for keeping things organized.  I've been hoping for something new like SQL Notes for years.  Your early test releases were very encouraging, and I am very grateful for your efforts on this project. 
I have now tried to install your latest, and have encountered the same error as listed in this thread.  I am running on Windows 2000, SP 4.
You mentioned that you wrote to the component supplier, back in early February.
Any response yet?  Or has anyone else come up with a work-around?