Pop-up descriptions on website

Submitted by ajr on 2010/01/26 20:53
 There are a few terms like fields and items that have a double underline where ever they appear and when the pointer rests over them, a pop-up description appears.
Apparently this description is indexed by the forum software.  A website search will include a page or a forum discussion where one of the search terms appears only in the pop-up description.  The bigger problem is in going through the list of results from the search.  When the excerpt from the search result largely consists of the pop-up description, it hinders the user in finding the relevant information.
It would be helpful if these descriptions were excluded from an index of the website.


Yes, I know this is a problem. The only way seems to be to disable it altogether.
For most users, these links are probably no longer of any use, so I may disable them.


2010/01/26 21:12

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pop-ups have been disabled and site 100% re-indexed. Also, index was set to show most recent posts first
I hope this will make the search results more relevant.