Neat auxiliary program for IQ (Stickies)

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/02/11 19:10
I've been successfully using a great freeware program recently in conjunction with IQ.
This program "Stickies" is quite useful for me for jotting down my quick things I want to do in a single IQ session, and avoid filling up the inbox further.
The note is setup to only show when IQ is running, and it minimizes when IQ is minimized.


Thanks, Keith. This is indeed an impressive program; much nicer than other sticky note systems I've tried. It'll be excellent for capturing, then pasting to IQ for long-term integration. (My brain's on its way to feeling entirely offloaded.)



2010/02/11 21:41

In reply to by JJSlote

 I've been using this for a while, great little program. One feature I make a lot of use of is that you can forward the notes to one or more other machines. As I work on several different machines during the course of a day it's great to be able to pass notes and codes and so on between machines without having to use easily-lost pieces of paper - or sticky notes :)

I see it's free for business use as well must try it out . . .

Thanks ! I'll also take a look at it.

Really neat !
But it's got a bizarre storage system.
Stickies are stored in an .ini text file, except for those where you explicitely do a Store, where it is then put in a JET file, but then the sticky disappears...
At first I thought it would be neat to link the two JET files (IQ and Stickies) , but the way it works probably does not allow for this


2010/03/23 18:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

At first I thought it would be neat to link the two JET files (IQ and Stickies) , but the way it works probably does not allow for this
Have you looked at Ariadne?  It has comments that can be attached to each object, which I thought is kind of neat.  I think it would be very handy in the sample file.
Perhaps eventually some special field in IQ could pop up a comment like this  (maybe version 2.x)


2019/12/05 16:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Necroing this thread to point out that stickies has gone to v. 10 beta, the author has done a good deal of 'spring cleaning', for example notes are now universally stored in a single database file. Stickies also has an API to make it execute commands from other programs so there is the possibility of very tight integration with IQ, e.g. turn IQ item into Sticky and the other way round. Still free, free, free.


2020/01/02 08:48

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

 I appreciate you bringing this thread back to life, as it is presently not on my computers.(A lot of changes happen in 10 years!)
Most recently, I had been using the Windows 10 sticky note du jour programs, but I'm eager to get back to the Stickies program. Thanks again for reminding me.