A couple of suggestions concerning the forum

Submitted by gregory on 2010/03/18 00:43
Sometimes it's necessary to pass an IQBase back to Pierre so that he can take a look at it. That can be done by email, but email is not a healthy way to pass around large files!
But also: the development of this IQ community could also be much enhanced by users publishing (sanitised versions of) IQBases which work well for a given application. So for example if someone is proud of their GTD (Getting Things Done) approach, they could share it with the world!
I'd like to suggest two new links somewhere on the IQ Community left-hand menu:
1) A "parking space" for IQBases - visible only to the originator and to Admin;
2) A "This is how I use IQ" space for good user-volunteered IQBases
It's more than possible that these spaces already exist, but I can't see them...
For Pierre to decide: but my suggestion is that the spaces be moderated, so that malicious content cannot find its way onto public areas of the site.


Good ideas!
This page could probably be better advertised (it's in the manual)
- maybe you'd be able to contribute one yourself !