New Facebook IQ fan page.

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/04/06 21:46
 Pierre notified me there is a new Facebook fan page for InfoQube now.
It could be fun, and should be useful for promoting IQ. If anyone has any ideas on good ways to use it, please chime in.


Thanks for advertising this, Keith. Yes, there are only three of us at this point. C'mon IQ users! :)
I think it's a good place where to advertise news, releases, etc., but also screen casts, etc.
I wonder there are ways to link some of the main website changes to the Facebook page. I'm no Facebook expert so I wouldn't know, but I could look at it during the weekend.

Pierre : I think I found something interesting, and it shouldn't be to hard to implement.
Seems that if a rss feed was created for the main IQ website (or even this one), with the biggest  "news" (releases and such), it could be connected to Facebook and twitter. I learned about this there :…
Seems easy enough...
So, Pierre, all you'd have to do is :
1- create and RSS feed (or provide me with the rss feed address if there's one already),
2- create a account
3- follow the instructions to connect your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, etc.
You should probably also consider creating a twitter account... Tant qu'à y être...
In any case, that appears like a nice way to not duplicate efforts between Facebook, the main website and the forum.
Comments, IQ users ?

Pierre, I could do all the work if you want. But I still do need a signal (Y/N) and an RSS feed.

You might also consider Twitter which I find very useful -- especially for announcements


2010/04/15 16:33

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

You might also consider Twitter which I find very useful -- especially for announcements
Yes. IQ should have a twitter account...


2010/04/15 17:04

In reply to by Armando

So I assume you or Pierre will start one & I'll start following you when it's up & running.