Here's a nice one from the DC forum

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/05/01 13:15
There's an excellent new testimonial over on donationcoder:


Thanks Keith for linking that comment by superboyac.

Yes, I did see that, and wow... sure is a nice testimonial
I've ramped up my usage of Infoqube lately, with Armando's expert help.  I just have to make this one comment:

Infoqube is, in my personal opinion, the most important software development taking place that I know of.

This program does so much, has so much potential, and can influence so much of your life.  I hope it's something Pierre can sustain well into maturity.  The program is practically it's own operating system.

Clipped from:;topicseen#new On: 2010-05-01 18:35:46 By: PPL