Private forums are now enabled

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2010/05/28 13:20
Hi IQ Collaborators,
I've setup a private forum to share information, files, development status, without Google et al looking over our shoulder...
Do not hesitate to use this forum to ask questions and/or to contribute. I'll try to update a thread with what I'm working on at the moment. If I forget, you can remind me


Currently, I added the following users:
gregory, jan, Armando, Tom, Keith

You're welcome to suggest other users !

 Pierre, "collaborators" reminds me of war, those citizens of a vanquished nation who co-operate w the enemy. Maybe this could be the "elves" forum 


2010/05/29 19:33

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Hmm, elves /allies /associates /boosters /cooperators... There are not that many appropriate English synonyms for collaborators!  I'm okay with any of them.
By the way, the sense that Jan's thinking about is usually the second definition on the sources I checked, with the one we want as the primary definition.

I'm not really sure why a Private forum . . . well, for very occasional use; but there's already two threads here that I think would be better in the Public domain (Keith's help file & What Pierre is working on) especially the help file one as I reckon the more people who see that the better - in terms of getting ideas & also so people see there is movement in the right direction (thanks Keith!)


2010/05/31 10:15

In reply to by Tom

I'm not really sure why a Private forum . . . 
Tom, I see two important reasons:
1) Pierre giving a more day-to-day kind of status, and asking the volunteer group's opinions. This should be a huge incentive to keep both Pierre and the group motivated.
I suppose, as the most devoted users, we are the ones either thinking or stating "when's the next release?" "I wonder what Pierre's working on?" "I wonder what marvelous templates Armando is contemplating next", "Do we have any chance of  1.0 this year",.
(Also, I guess it's a kind of "reward" for rolling up our collective sleeves!). 
2) The group's "Preplanning" kind of things-- discussing ideas with this group, before asking the general forum populace.ertain things with the people willing to roll up their sleeves. But I foresee moving any discussion out to the main forum pretty quickly. Basically, it is ilke a planning committee meeting before the regular meeting--it can save from wasting a lot of time in the main meeting.
I really like the idea of bouncing something off the main users, before throwing it out to everyone.
By the way,  I plan to post the first  version of the chm help file sometime today in the private forum, for quick feedback, then via this private forum, asking Pierre how he would like to handle it (assuming it works!) either through a regular forum post, or possibly putting it a near-term release.


2010/05/31 10:59

In reply to by KeithB

Points taken Keith, especially point two.
My thoughts:
I'm still a bit confused about it but we'll see how it evolves.
What I would be afraid of is the following:-
~ less action on the main forums
~ less openness - a very important things to me (and many others) in terms of what I think of a piece of software
~ a two-tier system / forum
I think as long as people keep these possibilities in mind it can be okay.
As the app is in Beta I think questions like "Do we have any chance of  1.0 this year" will be wondered by all users, & I dont really see any benefit to it being discussed here first...
[edit] maybe I'm being too cagey - I'm warming to the idea! But it's no harm to keep stuff above in mind


2010/05/31 21:29

In reply to by Tom

 Points taken Keith, especially point two.
My thoughts:
I'm still a bit confused about it but we'll see how it evolves.
What I would be afraid of is the following:-
~ less action on the main forums
~ less openness - a very important things to me (and many others) in terms of what I think of a piece of software
~ a two-tier system / forum
I think as long as people keep these possibilities in mind it can be okay.
As the app is in Beta I think questions like "Do we have any chance of  1.0 this year" will be wondered by all users, & I dont really see any benefit to it being discussed here first...
[edit] maybe I'm being too cagey - I'm warming to the idea! But it's no harm to keep stuff above in mind
I understand your points. I think they are very legitimate -- and so are Keith's of course.
My view :
I mainly see the private forum a a good tool to discuss things that are more "touchy" or... Not so public... so to speak -- prices scheme, schedule, obstacles in development,  general miss-understandings, special "top secret" projects (there are no such thing... I guess...:)), etc.
Personal messages can be good for some of that, but sometimes it's also nice to be able to discuss more touchy issues as a small group... Without Google's prying eyes.
This would be its main use.
I'm afraid too of having :
~ less action on the main forums
~ less openness - a very important things to me (and many others) in terms of what I think of a piece of software
~ a two-tier system / forum
And that's why I'll always favour the public forum. I'm not planning to post here more than in the public forum, that's for sure.
However, it's also normal for Pierre to want to have a special vehicle to discuss what he might see as "special matters" without having it to share it with the whole internet. "What Pierre is doing" could  probably be shared in the public forum however as anybody might be interested in that -- well depending on what he's doing, of course...
I think "Collaborators" too will find the private forum useful from time to time, even if just once in a while.


2010/05/31 10:50

In reply to by KeithB

> By the way,  I plan to post the first  version of the chm help file sometime today in the private forum, for quick feedback
looking forward to that !