What is Pierre working on these days ? ...

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2010/05/28 13:25
Hi IQ Collaborators,
I'll do my best to post updates in this thread, as to what's keeping me busy.


  • I imported an Ecco file for Joe Bissett and found a problem with it. Fixed
  • Fixed Tom's reported full-hierarchy display
  • Working on fixed Armando's XML copy/paste bug
After that, I'll release 0.9.25Pre-Rel25
Cheers !

OK, the XML copy/paste bug is now fixed...
Anything else critical needs fixing before I release 0.9.25Pre-Rel25 ?


2010/05/28 21:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 > Anything else critical needs fixing before I release 0.9.25Pre-Rel25 ?
yes, html scrolling on netbook 


2010/05/28 21:32

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Once pre-rel25 is released, I'll be sending you private builds to try to isolate the issue


2010/05/29 07:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

ok, much appreciated


2010/05/28 23:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre, I'm a bit late for this one. Anything critical ? There are of course a few things that could be fixed.
Of the top of my head...This was considered major by myself a while ago (2-3 weeks ago):
Inheritance bug with "can delete on item move"
It doesn't look like an "easy" thing to fix though. (?)
And maybe am I the only one noticing it.


2010/05/29 00:13

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

As I went through the forum and mantis : some other suggestions (in no particular order).
Some of these might be quicker to fix than others, that's why I'm posting all of them... I know they can't (and shouldn't) all be included in the next release
- Replace the current content with the page: about:blank
0940 Properties pane out of sync.    
Manage grids bug : Modifying the name of a newly created grid isn't possible if focus is moved to another grid and back again.
0943 No warning for inappropriate sub-item filter         
When an operator is missing in the filter text box (source bar), the filter fails silently
0953 Hierarchical (column) equation problem : row equation is performed (and/or has priority) even when it shouldn't
- 0951 "Sort sub items... " context menu option when R-clicking on the column header : misleading as it actually sorts TLIs
- 0985Manage grid dialog : multiple grid creation isn't possible (+ other related bug)
- 0957 General performance problems caused by 1-inheritance and 2-certain auto-assign rules
- 0941 Performance problem if Gantt is on and item hierarchy is being collapsed and shows empty rows.
Also somethings that are not necessarily critical, but seem to bother a lot of people are various printing issues.
e.g. : Superboyac from DC noticed that the WYSIWYG printing isn't nice : bullets appear as big black squares, check box are super thick. The big black squares are probably the biggest annoyance.
BTW, these issues seem to be fixed : 0965, and maybe this 0947


2010/05/29 00:20

In reply to by Armando

Ah... This one is annoying (while not critical) :
Update Issue0942 Win-N : Add Item dialog appears filled with previously clipped data

I'm going through the list of reported bugs / suggestions ...
  1. Right-click on Gantt header displays Item Context menu instead of Gantt Context menu
  2. When DateFilter and AlphaFilter are turned ON, they are not immediately applied.
  3. Adding a Zoom slider to set the Gantt scale, so the Overview does not need to be visible to set the Gantt scale (and Gantt sub-menu is now detachable)


2010/06/07 22:54

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm going through the list of reported bugs / suggestions ...
  1. Right-click on Gantt header displays Item Context menu instead of Gantt Context menu
  2. When DateFilter and AlphaFilter are turned ON, they are not immediately applied.
Thanks for the update.
It sure seems like there is a lot to go through and consider what comes when...
I imagine it will be difficult to decide just where to draw the line and consider 0.9.25 "stable". 

 ok... what are you doing these days? When is the calendar w all bells & whistles including sync to google going to be ready? Thanks.


2010/06/28 17:41

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Hi Jan,
I was on holidays. I'm fixing reported bugs and added an info pane (shows info currently shown in tooltips). Next step is Google sync (tasks then calendar)


2010/06/28 18:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Jan,
I was on holidays. I'm fixing reported bugs and added an info pane (shows info currently shown in tooltips). Next step is Google sync (tasks then calendar)


2010/06/29 12:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Thanks Pierre. Sounds good. Would you consider Google sync calendar first, then tasks?

For those not following updates in Mantis, I'm currently fixing the numerous issues with the Manage Grids dialog


2010/07/23 18:14

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Squashing bugs by category sounds like a great strategy.


2010/07/23 22:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks for the update. I missed your post this morning because probably because I browsed the forum by sections -- suggestions and bug report. I do that, sometimes...

  • FrmViews, prompt if unsaved
  • frmViews: add read-only list of fields added to TLI
  • frmProperties: more consistent use of keys (CTRL-left-right to expand/collapse), tab to change focus column
  • F11: panels: dock/undock: elsewhere, hide panels
  • Field prop, improve load time
  • On dual monitors, some forms do not position correctly
And now, preparing for the official release of 0.9.25. And then, moving to 0.9.26Pre-Rel


2010/07/31 11:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Appreciate the news, Pierre. Will release of 9.25 contain the updated / upgraded calendar w all the bells & whistles? Thanks.


2010/08/02 17:39

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

  • FrmViews, prompt if unsaved
  • frmViews: add read-only list of fields added to TLI
  • frmProperties: more consistent use of keys (CTRL-left-right to expand/collapse), tab to change focus column
  • F11: panels: dock/undock: elsewhere, hide panels
  • Field prop, improve load time
  • On dual monitors, some forms do not position correctly
And now, preparing for the official release of 0.9.25. And then, moving to 0.9.26Pre-Rel
Hi Pierre ! Thanks for the update.
Wondering : are gantt chart components (overview, histogram, the gantt itself) positions now saved between refreshes ?  I think you fixed that for the next release... But just making sure as it's really inconvenient to reposition everything after each refresh.


2010/08/09 22:05

In reply to by Armando

I just tried it and it is working here. Check it on your side when you get a minute.
I hope you're having great vacations !