KeithB has a surprise coming...

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/05/28 21:56
After jibz comments, I was inspired to attempt a chm file of the user manual. 
So far I've got a couple of sections in. By the end of this long weekend, I should have a fair chunk in--I'm anxious to see what kind of size it will produce
My current plans are to post a preview here for comments, once the data is in. I also have to go back and update my sndb with the updates from January onwards
Then I'll add an index, then work the linking, etc.
By the way, HTML Help workshop is a "bear" (pain) to figure out, but pretty easy once you get the hang of it...


Wow Keith, you're incredible... Would the HTML recapture feature help you ? I could try to get it in 0.9.25Pre-Rel25...


2010/05/29 06:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 It would help, but I don't think there has been that many manual revisions to warrant taking the time now. If I change my mind once I get to that point, I'll let you know. Thanks for the offer. 
By the way, I really appreciate the private forums/your detailed status listing!! It's a great setup now.  Also, is Jerome still around--if he's still active, he probably belongs in the collaborator section.


2010/05/31 23:00

In reply to by KeithB

 It would help, but I don't think there has been that many manual revisions to warrant taking the time now. If I change my mind once I get to that point, I'll let you know. Thanks for the offer. 
By the way, I really appreciate the private forums/your detailed status listing!! It's a great setup now.  Also, is Jerome still around--if he's still active, he probably belongs in the collaborator section.
Although...  Even small revisions can be very important (e.g. specific rules concerning conditional formatting I added -- small but important), and these are frequent enough to render such a feature quite useful.
My 2¢...

This is REALLY cool Keith.
After this I'll have to do the bibliographical DB... And then the GTD/task/project management one... :)

 I tried to upload  version 0.00, but unsuccessfully. See if this dropbox public link works:
. I'm running out of time today to check it more, but it will have to do.
Quickly, I noticed there were some pages without all the graphics-I was finding that Google Chrome and Win+C clipping wasn't picking up the pictures.
I only put a few "index" items in for now.  I want to put an  index page in the online manual, and get some help with what should go in it.
I can provide more details later, but basically this compiler needs the html files, with subfolders of them, in a local folder, which is then copied to the compiler folder to run.
I don't mind doing the updates, but if someone has a better idea...If someone wants to be able to compile the thing, I can post the source files I have, as well as instructions.
It looks like this html stuff is only supposed to safely go down to a child level, so that's how I set it up.
The online manual can be the "master", but I think this chm will help greatly in cleaning up the master.
Pierre, do you want to try to integrate it soon, or should it be kept separate for now?
Have fun!  It took a lot of work, but it's really nifty.


2010/05/31 22:55

In reply to by KeithB

Thanks Keith. Sounds promising.
For some reason, the download link doesn't work for me.


2010/06/01 04:48

In reply to by KeithB

 I tried to upload  version 0.00, but unsuccessfully. See if this dropbox public link works:
it's downloading here fine
It opens up something like this
but once I stretch everything out it looks great
I dont have time for a close look till later...but it looks great and is so much easier than going through the online manual
already have a couple queries comments (must wait for later tho)
thanks Keith


2010/06/01 12:41

In reply to by Tom

as said Keith: I think it's great, it a joy to use, especially compared to the web version.
Not necessarily looking for a response here (below) - just throwing out the thought as I looked through it...
1) I rarely look at help files - is it normal that you can browse the net within the info pane ? I presume that's IE engine? (It's great anyways!) I guess a lot of these eventually have to be made into internal links (within the CHM file)
2) at first I thought the outline looked very scrappy (3 different icons and then the open book icons).  2b) Then I realised the folder icons are all descriptions of the interface. Would they all be better under "3. IQ User Interface" ?
3) individual items:
3.1.2 - rename to 3.0.2 (especially if all the 3.x move under 3) *I suspect there might need to be more renumbering as things get more organised (?)
3.1.2 - image missing - image missing
14 - I get an error when I click on #14
Line: 950
Char: 5
Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object
Code: 0
URL: mk:@MSITStore:[PATH OF CHM FILE]::/ItemID501.htm
If I / we can help in any way please ask !


2010/06/01 12:59

In reply to by Tom

Can anyone offhand remember the thread where the help file was discussed a bit - there were different ideas thrown out in terms of structure etc etc - it was within the last few months and I thin it was off-topic to the threads title...


2010/06/01 12:09

In reply to by KeithB

KeithB, thanks for all your work -- incredible. You're definitely an elf. Drop box link is working.
But now I have a stupid question: how do I integrate this file with IQ?


2010/06/01 12:14

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I believe the integration is something Pierre will have to put in IQ. I'm anticipating it won't be that difficult.
I'm hoping Pierre is around today, and we decide how to proceed.  As I look at it, I notice I have quite a few pages that are missing graphics, which need fixing.


2010/06/01 12:18

In reply to by KeithB

 Hmmm. I'm just thinking...... Maybe we can add menu help item & assign F1 to it?


2010/06/01 13:13

In reply to by KeithB

>I'm hoping Pierre is around today
Yup, I'm back. I've got many things to do today, so I'll try to look it over. What I need to integrate it is either (1) the help source, or (2) the list of Help topic ID's
Thank you so much Keith. The way I had envisioned the help system at first was as follows:
  1. An shared IQBase (either file-shared through Dropbox or though the "coming soon" multi-user sync) to enable cooperative work
  2. One of :
    1. A IQBase > CHM module
    2. A IQBase > topic list export (easier)
  3. In the code, link each feature to either the CHM topic (1) or to one of the HTML file (2)


2010/06/01 18:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

>I'm hoping Pierre is around today
Yup, I'm back. I've got many things to do today, so I'll try to look it over. What I need to integrate it is either (1) the help source, or (2) the list of Help topic ID's
I'll post the source in the dropbox, probably tomorrow. Note Jibz's new posting, and his file, I really didn't expect that!
. The way I had envisioned the help system at first was as follows:
I couldn't quite picture what it would look like in a chm, and since Jibz really wanted it...
From using it, I think I like the CHM better than an SNDB (at least until it can be easily be made read-only), however I'm okay with whatever direction you want to go.
(I still plan to use my homemade chm to help improve the online manual

Note that my technique was to capture the printer friendly version as MHT (which was already done back in January)  then convert over to HTML, then use that as source.

I think some of the pictures that didn't come over were PNG, and I've got to experiment a little, since I think some of the re-do's were done using Chrome, which apparently isn't picking up the pictures...


2010/06/01 19:02

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I looked at Keith and Jibz CHM and they're both nice.
Jibz scrip solution is great as it probably means that the CHM could be easily updated.
I suggest that discussions about the manual be public... Otherwise, we might just face duplication of effort.
  1. An shared IQBase (either file-shared through Dropbox or though the "coming soon" multi-user sync) to enable cooperative work
  2. One of :
    1. A IQBase > CHM module
    2. A IQBase > topic list export (easier)
  3. In the code, link each feature to either the CHM topic (1) or to one of the HTML file (2)
I think it's a good plan.