What can we do to thank Jibz???

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/06/02 20:43
 Apparently Jibz has some awesome technical abilities, and his chm work was incredible.  Any ideas how we can keep him around, and happy?    
I for one, plan to go back and re-read his posts...
(edit)  I found a Mouser quote about Jibz, on donationcoder: "Everyone who knows jibz seems to regard him with a kind of reverance.  He's one of the most soft spoken, professional people you'll meet, with an endearing perfectionist streak. He's also one of the most generous programmer's I know, and his help in getting DonationCoder.com off the ground has been invaluable.."


With his work on the Danish translation and now this easy CHM generation, I was going to offer him a free license, offer which I'll propose to all collaborators.
It is a very small reward, but I can't do much more now... If and when IQ picks up with rev 1.0, I won't forget the huge effort all of you have put in this project. 


2010/06/02 21:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

, but I can't do much more now... 
Since I notice some of his "remaining issues" are extremely modest, I was thinking perhaps an item or two could be some nearterm "filler" work.