Any life in the Living room?

Submitted by Jibz on 2010/06/27 02:54
I just wanted to check if the forums were still working since there doesn't seem to have been any posts for 4 days now, and it's usually quite an active place.
Of course we can hope it is because there simply are no more issues with IQ .


Rest assured... there are still unresolved issues with IQ
It must simply be that there are lots of people on holidays

Hi Jibz,
    I stumbled upon this in an ecco forum the other day. I don't recall this begin talked about on this forum, or in mantis, bit it sounds intriguing.
"In addition, a Dropbox based multi-user system is in dev. and expected this summer."
Personally, I've been "laying low" recently, as Pierre isn't telling much about recent development.