If you are interested in looking @ Z6 Beta....

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/07/31 13:47
It's come a long way, baby.
One of the more convenient functions I've discovered is a single click to send an item into the clouds:
and a bunch of others.
Zoot calendar is really google calendar seen in zoot browser window. Haven't tried yet but I assume it syncs with it
Just sayin....


Thanks for the info. I enjoy looking at other outliners. This appears to be a pretty serious one.
I know very little about Zoot, but the default "Zorro" theme was a little much, and immediately changed to "frost" for my tastes.
It seems pretty quick.
That's a nice visual touch, the "Z" icons on the search bar, and item editor, etc. (I wouldn't mind seeing that blue cube more often in IQ's UI.
The thing I noticed at first, was where's the calendar?  After Jan's explanation of it's google, I like Pierre's approach much better, a local calendar, that will be able to sync to google.
What's nice about looking at other outliners, is while I use them temporarily, they make a nice "scratch pad" for pre-processing (ala the "stickies" program).