Submitted by Jon on 2010/08/11 13:28
IQ has really come so far that I am now demonstrating it to colleagues and others. I know the roadmap includes an improved UI especially for filters (please take a look at Ultra Recall, as I find its filtering system very comprehensive). To the person, the resistance to rtying or switching to IQ is related to these two issues:
1. Auto refresh. Many of the people use Ecco Pro, UR, or something similar. These products auto refresh. New users are not used to using F5 routinely, do not feel they should, and are confused if the view is not updated properly. I have been using IQ for some time now, and still get stuck in this trap.
2. No undo functionality. New users expect this basic function. Most other products have it and, when faced with an "oops" situation, people want to hit CTRL-Z to go back. Nobody I spoke with is happy with using a backup which may be several minutes old and takes them back too far. Besides, it is cumbersome and not very "friendly."
By the way, I know that undo can have a negative impact on performance. My experiences with UR confirms that, but the developer has largely overcome that. I know because my main database is approaching 800MB.
Just sharing some thoughts and experiences.


Thanks you very much Jon. I agree completely with you.
  1. Auto-refresh: As I work on bug / new features, I ensure that, as much as possible, changes are immediately made, so refresh is not required. There are some remaining however, I agree, and will tackle them when I get a chance.
  2. Undo: yes, definitely a must