Submitted by Tom on 2010/10/12 14:31
I working in my inbox where many items have html content (I usually dont work with html pane). The HTML pane is showing.
I'm working in the grid, adding comments to a 'Comments' text field.
When I click in a different item, about 60% of the time I get this dialogue:
Save changes ?
OK   Cancel  
I've had this before but never so consistently, but then I dont usually work this way.
I also cannot figure out why I just get it some of the time but will keep my eyes open ;-)
Is there any setting I can change that might affect this - closing the html pane stops it - but I want to see the contents so that's not a solution.


In HTML pane: Menu>>File>>Auto-save is checked ?


2010/10/12 15:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

In HTML pane: Menu>>File>>Auto-save is checked ?
Nope - that's it thanks Pierre


2010/10/13 03:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

In HTML pane: Menu>>File>>Auto-save is checked ?
(I really should have spotted that one but I was tired...)
but surely Pierre this dialogue should only show if there have been changes made to the HTML content ?
(none made in my case - I simply had the html pane open but was working in the grid.
It doesnt really bother me as I now have auto-save on - but it seems buggy behaviour.
I can reproduce it in a clean install with the sample database - again it seems unpredictable and is not actually reproducible. If I click through the items at random it shows relatively quickly ( but if I redo the last couple of clicks before the dialogue showed it doesnt show again)


2010/11/08 10:57

In reply to by Armando

Hi Tom,
Is this still a problem ?
Well the problem (I think) was that an update changed the AutoSave setting. Correcting that solved the problem for me in the sense I didnt get the messages any more - but really I shouldnt have been getting the message(s) anyway because I wasnt changing the HTML pane....
I'll turn off auto-save again and see how it works
I wonder would it be worthwhile having a message on the Save dialogue to let people know how to avoid them and what they're about.
Will get back to you.


2010/11/09 08:39

In reply to by Armando

I turned off Auto-Save and was unable to reproduce the problems so I guess Pierre fixed it