I've tried to adapt the supplied example to my own database situation, but I'm having no luck.
Here's my version of the SQLSynch.xml file: (connection string redacted for paranoia reasons)
[ID] VJS_PartNumber
[description] Item
[record_modified] VJS_DateModified
-1 VJS_Parts
SELECT ID, description, record_modified, mfg_name, mfg_part_id
FROM inventory_part
WHERE inactive = 0
and (record_modified > convert(datetime, '[DateUpdate]', 102))
<RecordStatus>VJS_SQLStatus ADD UPDATE</RecordStatus>
<LastUpdate>2000-01-01 01:00:01</LastUpdate>
I've created the following fields in InfoQube:
VJS_PartNumber (text)
VJS_DateModified (date)
ManufacturerName (text)
ManufacturerPartNum (text)
VJS_Parts (bool)
VJS_SQLStatus (text)
The problem is that when I try to do the sync nothing happens! Tools->Database management->Synch with external database gives no result. no error, no nothing. I'm not sure how to try to troubleshoot this.
Is there a specific provider/style of connection string I need to use for IQ's sake?
Any other ideas?
Perhaps related: When I open the target grid, I get a message "Error reading data. Check the source, filter and sort criteria." Test data that I enter by hand disappears when the grid is closed and reopened. (But I can find it in the journal)
Can you try this ?