forum membership

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/12/14 13:33
I was revisiting the Zoot forum the other day & noticed they have +/- 1400 members while this forum has only 178. What does this mean for the future of IQ -- if anything?
Zoot & IQ have a lot of superficial similarities: (1) both data miners (2) both have solitary programmers (3) both have been around a long time (4) both are quirky products.



What does this mean for the future of IQ -- if anything?



Not much IMO. Well... What do you think ?



Zoot & IQ have a lot of superficial similarities: (1) both data miners (2) both have solitary programmers (3) both have been around a long time (4) both are quirky products.



IIRC, Zoot has reached version 1 in mid 90s, and I don't know how long it's been around before that.

IQ hasn't reached V1 yet, and it's been around for a few years as beta software. That's probably a 10y difference -- which, in my book, is significant...

IQ is being developped relatively slowly, maybe (?). In the mean time, we can use it for what it does.


As for the other similarities, not sure what they tell exactly. Except maybe that IQ will be around for a long time... :)






Hmmmm ? ;)


2010/12/14 15:56

In reply to by Armando

What does this mean for the future of IQ -- if anything?
Not much IMO. Well... What do you think ?[/quote]
I hope nothing but I honestly don't know. I had made an observation, was thinking about it & thought I would post the comment.

both are quirky products.
Each person's definition of quirky differs, but I get your point. Ecco Pro is considered quirky by some, but after discussing it, I realize that it is because they are unfamiliar with the interface and concepts that drive Ecco (and IQ). However, if by quirky you mean a bit unstable, lacking in certain basics we take for granted (levels of undo come to mind), graphical anomalies, and speed (importing large numbers of text items is S L O W), then yes, I agree. I am reluctant to admit it, but I stay with Ecco because I have palpitations when something unexpected happens in IQ and I have to see if restarting the program helps. Ecco has been fast and reliable for me. If only its memory limitations could be overcome...


2010/12/14 15:54

In reply to by Jon

Jon, I didn't have anything negative in mind when I used the 'word' quirky. I think it was more an expression of 'strange' which sort of meshes w your comment about 'unfamiliarity'. But I also think it has to do with looking at something differently; i.e. a different approach.
Lotus Agenda was a different way of looking at data & fits my description of quirky. I used it for a # of years before switching to EccoPro which was light years ahead of anything else at the time. I'm not sure why I switched away from EccoPro (I think it had to do w support & further development) but I was in the wilderness for a while with ADM (REALLY quirky & interesting), UltraRecall Pro & now IQ.
In the meantime Zoot started as a companion to the very clunky Outlook but then, Zoot was no prize either in V1 but it was definitely quirky. Now it seems to be maturing w a v6 & still a very loyal following, like EccoPro which I understand on the one hand but puzzles me on the other.
I certainly understand the reticence of switching one's data life from one program to another especially when favored options aren't yet available. However, I don't find IQ unstable but it can certainly be a mystery when something odd happens in IQ because there are so many places one can look to find the cause. I think Pierre -- at one time -- considered a starter version & an advanced version which may do the trick in the future because, IMO, unless you have the time & interest, IQ requires alot of futzing around until you cam feel sort of comfortable with all it's power & ability.
For those of us like me who would probably be diagnosed ADD these programs are a god send because I switch from one subject to another in a heartbeat, gather info about it & work with it. IQ does this particularly well so -- apart from a few frustrations here & there -- I'm a pretty happy camper. Plus I don't anyone could ask for a more devoted & responsive developer than Pierre. Tom Davis (Zoot) has the same work ethic, mantra, etc.


2010/12/14 16:33

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I think Pierre -- at one time -- considered a starter version & an advanced version which may do the trick in the future because, IMO, unless you have the time & interest, IQ requires alot of futzing around until you cam feel sort of comfortable with all it's power & ability.
Last time we spoke, Pierre still was planing this "dual mode" IQ. I know some don't like the "dual mode" approach, but I honestly don't see why. I don't see this "simpler" IQ before 2012 for sure though -- after most features implemention. But who knows.
To me, the small number of subscribers and the few loyal followers speak about IQ's actual state : powerful but unfinished. Only a "few" are willing to take the "risk". Predictably  : most users won't commit, most will just dip a toe or two, most will decide it's not for them. Some will follow its progress regularly, waiting for the bugs to be ironed out and for the main features to be implemented. This is perfectly normal.
For wider adoption, IQ needs all main bugs and main features fixed/implemented, some interface adjustments (this includes the normal/advanced mode) and better templates. (And a better manual... But I don't see that as "part" of IQ)


2010/12/15 13:27

In reply to by Armando

You make some good points, Armando. I don't think I disagree with anything you've said. Interestingly enough, Zoot had a lot of these unfinished characteristics, still does & yet it maintains a much more populated forum. I haven't checked but it's possible that only a few post which would be like our forum which is ok.
I do think word of mouth & postings on other forums such as the outline forum & other tech forums helps spread the word which is what I think IQ needs even in this state. But that's just one person's opinion.
I was just surprised by the disparity in numbers as I consider IQ to be certainly as complex & unfinished as Zoot.


2010/12/15 19:15

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

You make some good points, Armando. I don't think I disagree with anything you've said. Interestingly enough, Zoot had a lot of these unfinished characteristics, still does & yet it maintains a much more populated forum. I haven't checked but it's possible that only a few post which would be like our forum which is ok.
I do think word of mouth & postings on other forums such as the outline forum & other tech forums helps spread the word which is what I think IQ needs even in this state. But that's just one person's opinion.
I was just surprised by the disparity in numbers as I consider IQ to be certainly as complex & unfinished as Zoot.
I think that the main reason are : Zoot stepped out of beta stage and has been around for much longer (14-15 y out of beta is a long time!), it is somewhat easier to understand, it doesn't do as many things as IQ (yet it does do a few things IQ can't do as well, for sure) so it's easier to frame, it's been talked about and exposed in media much more.
I'm not sure about giving IQ more exposure at this stage... I remember last time an article was published (about a year ago?), we got many visitors and some epic threads where we had to lower user expectations.


2010/12/16 11:28

In reply to by Armando

I hope your analysis is correct. Ultimately, there will be an economic component to Pierre's continuing development. I hope the community (marketplace) will support his efforts whenever it becomes the right time for IQ to make an official appearance.

Hi, adding my thoughts here.  Gnerally speaking I'm quite satisfied with IQ, recognizing that it's still in beta and not complete.  I am not a techie so I don't have the testing and trouble-shooting skills some of you do.  But I am a forner ~15 year EccoPro user and I am a quite busy Builder & Project Mananger, a ground level gut-it-out everday IQ user.  For the past year and a half I have been using IQ exclusively and continually for all my contact management and a good deal of my data management needs.  I've never suffered a serious crash or data loss, and anytime I've had a question or been stumped Pierre and/or the Forum Gang has been quick to my resuce with effective help.  So that's all very good.  Probably what I'm yearning for most now is more sophisticated printing setup and controls, because it's still rather basic so I find much of my data is almost "locked" into IQ, it's challenging to "get it out".  I've often resorted to printing screen captures because it's quicker and easier.  But that's minor, I've every confidence Pierre will get around to that one day too, like his calendar progess, so - all in all I'm quite satisfied and look forward to Pierre's first official release.  Keep it up Pierre, and keep it up Forum Gang - Jan, Armando, Tom, Keith - you know who you are - you're all doing a great job for us everyday undereath-the-radar un-techies who don't contribute much to the Forum!  Oh . . . and Merry Christmas too, eh!!!
Doug Bartlett