A "parking lot" for IQbases?

Submitted by gregory on 2011/03/14 01:15
I have a very large IQbase (53Mb, about 23000 items) which is currently behaving very badly (refresh time over 120 seconds, a significant increase on what it used to be and so long as to render that IQbase effectively unusable). I'd like Pierre or Armondo or other nominated users to be able to see it. Pending a tidied up cloud implementation of IQ: would it be possible to make a small change to this Drupal-based forum to permit a user to upload a file and to make it visible to the site administrator (Pierre) and to other specified users - only? Clearly the contents of such a "parking lot" could and should be deleted as soon as an investigation of say possible bugs has been completed?
Such a development might also suggest a new revenue stream for Pierre (and/or others). Consultancy surrounding improvements to a user's IQbase (not bugs) could and should be chargeable. We have all been able to "free ride" this rather good IQ product for a while too long... non?


Hi Gregory, I'll let Pierre address most of your questions, but I'll share my own DB performance with you and other users: My DB is much bigger : 292 Mb, compacted, 48 173 items. It has tons of VB functions stacked on top of that (but that shouldn't have any effect on refreshing), and... it never ever takes that long to refresh a grid (F5). On my laptop (not that new : 2.2 GHz, Intel core 2 duo T7500), let's experiment : Reference grid : - Filter: reference and item like "*I*" - Source: Reference OR zzReference - Sort rule: itemcreated desc Results : 2701 visible items, 9s. It's not a speed demon, but it's more than 13x faster than yours... :) Task grid (a completely different beast with huuuuge filter and pretty complex sorting rule) : - filter : ((task) and (((urgency >= 90 or (due-now<=0 and urgency >= 110)) or (due is null)) and (followupdate-now<=0 or followupdate is null)) AND (check is null)) and ((ABCD_priority not like "D" and ABCD_priority not like "Z") or ABCD_priority is null) and EnAttente is null and notTLI is null | (Task Or Étape Or Projet or Recurrence) and check is null - Source : Task or zztask - sorting rule : OK, Focus, recurrence, taskStartDurLock, ABCD_priority, urgency desc, priority Results : 82 displayed items, 10.5s... when IQ isn't busy doing something else. Between 13s and 15s while IQ is updating all fields with autoupdate equations (happens around midnight). The only thing I can see is that you might have incredibly complex sorting rules or, maybe, grids with several 1000s of *displayed* items?? Complex sorting rules are deadly, whatever the program is. showing 1000s of items all at once can also be taxing. Personally, I couldn't stand 125 seconds !! There'S definitely something wrong there.


2011/03/14 04:13

In reply to by Armando

Hi Armando (sorry about mis-spelling your name!).
And that's the strange thing. PC similar spec to yours. The IQ base in question is very simple, I think. Certainly the filters are never remotely as complicated as yours. I've removed all the nasty VBA (I did have a rule on ItemCreated and ItemModified, and that might potentially have been slowing things down) - but still the performance is very poor. Pierre invited me to upload it somewhere some while ago, but he was suggesting DropBox when I already use SugarSync.
The suggestion concerning consultancy is meant to be taken seriously! A bien réfléchir ...
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2011/03/14 10:19

In reply to by gregory

Hi Mark,
I think there are plenty of free on-line solutions where you can safely put your file and send a private link so a user can download it. Dropbox or Sugarsync are a definite possibility (so are megaupload type solutions), so I don't think that at this time, it is a priority to add such a feature to the forum.
In your case, you can send me a Sugarsync link and I'll gladly look into the problematic file.
Nice to hear from you !