Right now, it's possible to have at least 2 opened windows/instances of the same grid with 2 different filter sets and 2 different sort text box filters sets. Refreshing any grid (F5) keeps the settings without reverting to the last active grid sort/filter set. Which is great.
Would it be possible to have the same flexibility but with the sort bar and grid filter too? i.e. : the sort bar and sort text box + the grid filter & the filter text box could be used "concurrently" in 2 different instances/windows of the same grid.
E.g.: in one instance of my inbox grid I'd use the sort bar to sort, and in a second instance of the inbox grid, I'd use the sort text box. Refreshing one or the other after making modifications (i.e. : changing the grid filter) doesn't revert to the other's sort settings.