Glossary terms: A new feature which you can contribute to!

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2008/07/10 12:21
Welcome all to this new (and hopefully improved) web site.
One new feature is Glossary terms  which will show additional information regarding a term. For example, fields are defined in the glossary (with values as synonym). So you should see the following:
To use this new feature:
  • Hover over the link, a tool tip will appear
  • If the tool tip includes a link, you can click on it to go to a page with more information.
The glossary list will grow as all of us contribute, so... feel free to propose new terms, description, synonyms and more info links (simply reply to this post with your suggestions)


I'm not clear -
when I post in the forum,
I'm asked to fill in a "Tag" field and a "Glossary" field - what happens when I put words in the "Glossary" field ?


2008/11/18 10:05

In reply to by Tom

I've removed the Glossary field in forum and blog posts


2008/11/19 08:09

In reply to by Tom

n.b. Please respond to the most appropriate level of the comment hierarchy, it requires getting used to it, but add clarity. And edit the subject if required. Thanks

As book pages have both Glossary and Tag tagging (!), the question arises as to which to use.
I'd like to propose that Glossary terms use be limited to the InfoQube program. Tags are more general in nature and could be used for all content classification.
As an example, a web site rich text editor how-to book page could set the tag to Web:Editor
Comments welcomed!


2008/11/20 00:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I agree! (EDIT  2008 11 20 -- 00 37 : i agree with " I'd like to propose that Glossary terms use be limited to the InfoQube program. Tags are more general in nature and could be used for all content classification.")
(PS : BTW : nice work Pierre... Wow.)

"item" is one of the basic things that should be in the glossary

I'm not quite following how to create glossary entries or what putting words in the Glossay field does.


2010/08/23 08:21

In reply to by reesd

I'm not quite following how to create glossary entries or what putting words in the Glossay field does.
this is Pierre's glossary lol  [edit] I didnt mean to be rude here !! [/edit]  - this is the one that then shows as pop-ups if you enter one of the words in a post
have a look at "ours"
-- link to nonexistent node ID 90 --

The new posts by "anonymous" are spam...but since the topic has been bumped, a chance to bring up a minor matter:

Glossary terms continue to appear in forums even when "Disable Glossary Indicators" is toggled in My Account. If I remove the checkmark, submit the change, and then restore and submit, the glossary items go away for awhile, but soon return. Are other forum users experiencing this as well?