Submitted by jimspoon on 2012/08/14 16:26
 I've posted about this before, thought momentarily that i had it fixed, but no such luck.
Here's what I'm seeing in my file -
- many TLIs that DO have children (they ARE shown in the properties pane) DO NOT have a + bullet to indicate this, and they cannot be expanded to show the child items.
- many TLIs that DON'T have children (as confirmed in properties pane) DO have a + bullet, falsely indicating that the item has child items.
As you can imagine, this is a serious matter - if there are child items, you want to be aware of it and be able to see them!
I am quite sure this is not a case of subitems being hidden because of a filter.
I am wondering if this is some kind of file corruption - therefore I wondering if there was some way to export from the database and reimport into a new database - and see if these errors got fixed.  But I don't see any way to do that.  Tried a Database repair with no effect.
Most of the items in my database are there as the result of an import from Ecco, so I'm wondering if there is an error in that process.


 On Main Menu check Grid > Hierarchy > Full  Hierarchy


2012/08/15 18:31

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Hallelujah!!!  So far it all looks as it should.
Thanks, Jan.