Submitted by Tom on 2013/01/22 06:43
What do you use for time-tracking & how do you use it?
Within IQ, I'm especially interested in whether I can use/show time-tracking items between the grids and the calendar (Note: I still know next to nothing about the calendar).
My own history of time-keeping with IQ:
I worked on drawings for longer periods of time:
  • each drawing would have an item/link
  • I would make a sub-item for each time period spent woking on that file
  • Other work I would group, e.g. item for paperwork // 1 hour
I could then filter for these time-tracking items.
Then I started using a temporary 'current-work' grid.
  • I would make TLI headings for different categories (new figures // corrections // paperwork etc.)
  • I would then ctrl+drag relevant items to the new grid - making them sub-items of relevant heading
- this was a good way of keeping track of actual work done which I could then add/append to an invoice.
But this system is falling apart for me (well, I am not using it now). Partly due to the work I'm doing now being much more fragmented.
Now I'm starting to add calendar entries with summary of work done and time spent but dont know if I can integrate these with the grid in any way:
edit/  OK I see iems added in the calandar are actual items, so I'll try giving each item/entry the same style heading e.g. 'Xyz STATUS' and just filter for them.
Any other tips/tricks/other-solutions will be read with interest
Thanks, Tom