Coming up w the closest thing to Evernote sync for IQ

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2013/03/29 10:52
So the question is: what's the best scenario for using IQ on multiple machines w/o over-writing more recent data? Of course this is seamless with Evernote, Catch. I think this would be a worthwhile discussion. Simply saying use drop box etc is not sufficient. We should include work flows, i.e. how to set IQ to open, how to exit IQ, etc. 
BTW, with Win 8 / IE10, I am unable to post on this forum b/c the message body input is not transmitted to the forum. I think Armando has the same problem.  I have not tried this on a Win7 / IE 10 machine yet. 


[quote=jan_rifkinson]what's the best scenario for using IQ on multiple machines w/o over-writing more recent data? Of course this is seamless with Evernote, Catch. I think this would be a worthwhile discussion. Simply saying use drop box etc is not sufficient. We should include work flows, i.e. how to set IQ to open, how to exit IQ, etc.[/quote]
in case anyone else is checking the "Tips and Tricks" section of the forum, I thought I'd update this with a link --


2015/12/22 04:30

In reply to by Tom

I gave up on "live" Dropbox sync for now.  I kept on getting prompted to replace a database with a version that I knew did not contain my latest additions and edits.  I went back to running IQ from a USB flash drive.  This is not working well now either, because lately my usb flash drive becomes "disconnected" whenever my laptop goes to sleep, and whenever the ufd becomes disconnected, IQ crashes.  So I put my SNDB file in a Dropbox folder again.   But I'm not attempting "live" dropbox sync, but instead will make sure that I have shut down IQ on all computers except the one I intend to be using.
I am really looking forward to "item-level" synchronization, which I think Pierre has discussed in the past.


2015/12/22 04:42

In reply to by jimspoon

well here is the discussion I was thinking about -
At this point I would just like to be able to sync to-do items between IQ and some cloud service (Google Tasks?).   So that we could set up a yes/no field, and items with that field marked "yes" would be synced (two-way) with Google Tasks.


2015/12/22 10:36

In reply to by jimspoon

I gave up on "live" Dropbox sync for now.  I kept on getting prompted to replace a database with a version that I knew did not contain my latest additions and edits.[/quote]
Strange, I use it every day and it works just fine, never proposing to update a version unless any change was made to it.
  1. Are you sure the date / time is correctly set on both machine ?
  2. Perhaps you can describe your set-up on the 2 machines and if and how it differs from the recommended (see 1. Synchronization between computers using Dropbox)
I'll keep an eye open if I see anything peculiar