Looking at the Equations page (I was thinking of adding the example that Jan gave Pulling vs Pushing row equations)
So I had a look at the Examples on that page Field Management Dialog - Equations
the first one doesnt make an ounce of sense to me - it seems to me that there's a cut/paste typo on the first line, but even apart from that, there's no indication where the "Function..." script below the screenshot should go. Also, I have no idea what it's supposed to actually do.
Can someone help explain it and I can try and write it so as people like me will understand it 

Row Equation Example 1
Here is an example of using Auto-update and using a User Defined Field. For the Urgency field below, is required, is the Urgency field, as the CalcUrgency function uses the current date (see "now" below) to get an Urgency number (>0 is late):
Function CalcUrgency(Due, Duration, PDone, Done) ' calculates an Urgency figure for tasks >0=late or will be late based on Duration and PercentDone
if isnull(Done) and not isnull( Due ) then
CalcUrgency = int( int(now) - int(cdate( nz( due ) )) + (nz(Duration) * (100-nz(PDone))/100 * 7/5) )
if CalcUrgency<-60 then CalcUrgency=null
CalcUrgency = null
end if
End Function
thanks !
I may ask about other equations later but I'll stick with this one first.
And while I know that IQ goes far beyond most programs of this ilk, it is the most geeky of them all.
IMO, Zoot is the closest in "personality" and yet it is simpler to use on many levels & is more capable in some ways -- RSS feeds, emails, printing, cloud, editing notes, google calendar, docs, etc.