Submitted by Jon on 2014/01/31 11:30
Using 14 on Windows 7 Professional.
I thought this was resolved earlier but it is now back with a new twist.
I add items and eventually get to the bottom of the screen. In this state, I continue to add and type. However on my machine only the top third of the line is visible. Here is the twist: none of my typing appears until I begin a new line by hitting Enter. To avoid this I can us the touchpad or mouse to scroll slightly thereby revealing the entire line. My typing appears then, but I should not have to do this dance.
EDIT: I tried zooming. That made it worse, but while trying I noticed that using CTRL + Center Wheel on the mouse dose not work. didn't this work on earlier versions?


It's funny, I had this problem lately in version 13, but I am unable to reproduce it now...
I thought maybe it was only in a grid where most or all items were TLI's, but cant reproduce that in pre-rel 14.
are you adding TLI's or sub-items?
(minor edit)


2014/02/02 14:42

In reply to by Tom

are you adding TLI's or sub-items?

The case that I am reporting involves TLIs. I recall this happening with SLIs too, but I have not tested this with 14.

I have problems with the "last item" too. Not just while creating items, but going to the last item using the down arrow. I'm not sure what does it but I think it has to do with visible cells containing more lines than the item field. The "scrolling" seems to only take into account the item field.
Edit : I don't think I experienced Jon's problem exactly as he describes it : i can always see what I type. However (apart from what I described before), after editing a new item is over (in my case, after pressing "enter"), and if word wrap is on and the item has several lines of content, the item is not entirely visible.
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz