pre rel. 25 brought this change :
> Change: Grid: Edit > Copy : Always shows dialog if the tree column is selected. Added Select Item (in tab-delimited). Items in the dialog are numbered so users can simply type the corresponding number to select
I think Grid: Edit > Cut should do the same. Right now, if I select multiple cells in the tree column, IQ just performs a normal text cut in these cells. The cut dialog (to actually cut full items and either link them or paste them somewhere else) appears only when full items/rows are selected.
I would also change the dialog so that it doesn't look like an "erase items" dialog.
Cut these xyz items :
1- only cut the tree column's text
2- cut the full item(s) to link/paste somewhere else in IQ
If the user want's to erase an item... there's already the erase function/command.
(i.e. this pasting won't create completely new items but will simply link them to the selected item, as children/subitems)