Submitted by Armando on 2014/05/01 23:38
pre rel. 25 brought this change :
>  Change: Grid: Edit > Copy : Always shows dialog if the tree column is selected. Added Select Item (in tab-delimited). Items in the dialog are numbered so users can simply type the corresponding number to select
I think Grid: Edit > Cut should do the same. Right now, if I select multiple cells in the tree column, IQ just performs a normal text cut in these cells. The cut dialog (to actually cut full items and either link them or paste them somewhere else) appears only when full items/rows are selected.
I would also change the dialog so that it doesn't look like an "erase items" dialog.
Cut these xyz items :

1- only cut the tree column's text

2- cut the  full item(s) to link/paste somewhere else in IQ
If the user want's to erase an item... there's already the erase function/command.


addendum :
little paste bug : when an item is pasted  as a new parent/child link, the grid doesn't refresh and the items don't show.
2nd little thing : I've always found the paste dialog's wording confusing as it's not about creating new links to existing items but creating new links to the currently selected items.
So for the 2nd pasting option, something like : 
Link items to the currently selected items/parents
(i.e. this pasting won't create completely new items but will simply link them to the selected item, as children/subitems)
... would be closer to what is actually happening.
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz