Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/01 20:33
 Hi Pierre,
I saw you added/fixed something concerning the timeline so I was reminded about this...
Are options planed for the timeline? Right now there aren't many advantages to use it instead of the Gantt.
I don't get the logic behind the vertical display of the data. Items seem to be distributed randomly -- here at least. Some kind of chronological logic  or display options would make it much more useful.


The main option planned is to allow grouping :
  1. Group by TLI: So that a multi-project Gantt shows a Timeline sorted by project
  2. Group by a column: To allow grouping by type of task, by worker, etc
The Timeline is really useful for large projects where it is often difficult to know what should be done at what moment.
As compared to a regular Gantt, it is more "time" focused


2015/04/02 00:06

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The main option planned is to allow grouping :
  1. Group by TLI: So that a multi-project Gantt shows a Timeline sorted by project
  2. Group by a column: To allow grouping by type of task, by worker, etc
The Timeline is really useful for large projects where it is often difficult to know what should be done at what moment.
As compared to a regular Gantt, it is more "time" focused
I've always agreed that the timeline mode has great potential, it's just the way items are stacked/lined together that seems a bit strange.
What's the actual grouping logic ?
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/04/02 09:41

In reply to by Armando

There are 2 stacking logic possible:
  1. High density to minimize the Timeline height
  2. Low density (not implemented)
I'll add a context menu to toggle between the two.


2015/04/02 10:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

In v0.9.26PreRel48, I've added a context menu to choose the stacking method:


2015/04/02 11:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

There are 2 stacking logic possible:
  1. High density to minimize the Timeline height
  2. Low density (not implemented)
I'll add a context menu to toggle between the two.
I get it. And thanks for the option Pierre!
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/04/02 11:50

In reply to by Armando

Right now, the Milestones are shown above the other tasks, to give these more visibility.
In a later version, I'll add an option to turn that off