Submitted by jimspoon on 2015/08/23 18:07
I often use alt-tab to swtich from infoqube to other programs to get some information from that other program.  Then I switch back to Infoqube to enter that info into an infoqube item.  The problem is - when I switch back to infoqube, the cell I was editing is no longer active.  I have to reactivate the cell for editing and reposition the cursor.   Is it possible to make it so that when I switch back to Infoqube, the cell is still active and the cursor is still in the same place?
I did discover that I do get this desired behavior if I do my Infoqube editing using the Shift+F2 popup editor.  Unfortunately, in the Pop Up editor I do not have a "Split Item" function available to me, and that is something I rely on heavily.


The default grid editor has always had this issue.
You can use the WYSIWYG editor if you want


2015/08/24 23:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I turned on the wysiwyg editor.  I activated a cell in the Item column for editing, placed the cursor about halfway through the text.  Then I used alt-tab to switch to another program, then alt-tab to switch back to infoqube.  When I return to Infoqube I do not see the cursor at the previous location; in fact I do not see the cursor at all.  The item where I was has a white background, not blue.  I tried to type in some text to see if it would appear in the item where the cursor was - no text appears.  If I press the down arrow the item below the item where I was, is highlighted with a blue background.
So the behavior seems to be the same whether I have the WYSIWYG editor on or off.  The only difference is - when the wysiwyg editor is off, the item has a blue highlight if I switch away from infoqube and switch back.  If wysiwyg editor is on, the item has a white background when I return to infoqube.