Submitted by WayneK on 2015/10/14 21:17
I use fill color quite a bit for organizing information.  Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty making good use of the colors available in InfoQube.  I find the ones on the first color dialogue to be too intense.  I prefer subtle, pastel colors for highlighting.  Some of the ones on the second page are ok but it takes two steps to get to them and there isn't much variety for the subtle ones.
Custom colors don't appear to be useful because there's no way to save them.  The ideal for me would be the ability to create a palette of custom colors that pop up on the first color dialogue.
I suspect there's a way to accomplish want I want using some combination of coding and/or conditional formatting.


You can define custom colors in tools > options


2015/10/14 23:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Which setting?  General>Named colors?  I guess I have to figure out the code for the color I want?
Some programs that have custom colors have an option to save the color so you can easily re-use it.  There's a row of blank squares at the bottom which can be populated with the colors you create. I just did a check and found that Microsoft programs don't have the options, either, but I think it's helpful to have it.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080


2015/10/15 01:12

In reply to by WayneK

Which setting?  General>Named colors?  I guess I have to figure out the code for the color I want?
Some programs that have custom colors have an option to save the color so you can easily re-use it.  There's a row of blank squares at the bottom which can be populated with the colors you create. I just did a check and found that Microsoft programs don't have the options, either, but I think it's helpful to have it.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080
Yes it's a bit geeky, but for now it works...
You can add as many colors as you want. In the item context menu, the item fore/back color options will show all the named colors.
This is how you enter the colors: name|code. E.g.
applications like colormania make finding the code for any Color easy.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/10/15 09:13

In reply to by Armando

Thanks, Armando.  It'll take some extra work but I should be able to get just what I want.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080


2015/10/15 09:29

In reply to by WayneK

The advantage of named colors are two-fold:
  1. They go well with field assignment. You can assign them easily to ItemColor and ItemForeColor for example
  2. You can change the actual displayed colors without changing anything in your IQBase. i.e. The colors are not hardcoded, but using a user-defined name
That said, an improvement to the UI to define these would of course be welcomed !!!


2015/10/15 10:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I called it geeky, but I (of course) like it...
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/10/15 11:20

In reply to by WayneK

 You could try inserting this. It should give you all the colors you would need. Kind of like Walt Disney threw up.
IndianRed|&H5C5CCD|LightCoral|&H8080F0|Salmon|&H7280FA|DarkSalmon|&H7A96E9|LightSalmon|&H7AA0FF|Crimson|&H3C14DC|Red|&H0000FF| FireBrick|&H2222B2|DarkRed|&H00008B|Pink|&HCBC0FF|LightPink|&HC1B6FF|HotPink|&HB469FF|DeepPink|&H9314FF|MediumVioletRed|&H8515C7| PaleVioletRed|&H9370DB|LightSalmon|&H7AA0FF|Coral|&H507FFF|Tomato|&H4763FF|OrangeRed|&H0045FF|DarkOrange|&H008CFF|Orange|&H00A5FF| Gold|&H00D7FF|Yellow|&H00FFFF|LightYellow|&HE0FFFF|LemonChiffon|&HCDFAFF|LightGoldenrodYellow|&HD2FAFA|PapayaWhip|&HD5EFFF| Moccasin|&HB5E4FF|PeachPuff|&HB9DAFF|PaleGoldenrod|&HAAE8EE|Khaki|&H8CE6F0|DarkKhaki|&H6BB7BD|Lavender|&HFAE6E6|Thistle|&HD8BFD8| Plum|&HDDA0DD|Violet|&HEE82EE|Orchid|&HD670DA|Fuchsia|&HFF00FF|Magenta|&HFF00FF|MediumOrchid|&HD355BA|MediumPurple|&HDB7093| BlueViolet|&HE22B8A|DarkViolet|&HD30094|DarkOrchid|&HCC3299|DarkMagenta|&H8B008B|Purple|&H800080|Indigo|&H82004B|SlateBlue|&HCD5A6A| DarkSlateBlue|&H8B3D48|MediumSlateBlue|&HEE687B|GreenYellow|&H2FFFAD|Chartreuse|&H00FF7F|LawnGreen|&H00FC7C|Lime|&H00FF00| LimeGreen|&H32CD32|PaleGreen|&H98FB98|LightGreen|&H90EE90|MediumSpringGreen|&H9AFA00|SpringGreen|&H7FFF00|MediumSeaGreen|&H71B33C| SeaGreen|&H578B2E|ForestGreen|&H228B22|Green|&H008000|DarkGreen|&H006400|YellowGreen|&H32CD9A|OliveDrab|&H238E6B|Olive|&H008080| DarkOliveGreen|&H2F6B55|MediumAquamarine|&HAACD66|DarkSeaGreen|&H8FBC8F|LightSeaGreen|&HAAB220|DarkCyan|&H8B8B00|Teal|&H808000| Aqua|&HFFFF00|Cyan|&HFFFF00|LightCyan|&HFFFFE0|PaleTurquoise|&HEEEEAF|Aquamarine|&HD4FF7F|Turquoise|&HD0E040|MediumTurquoise|&HCCD148| DarkTurquoise|&HD1CE00|CadetBlue|&HA09E5F|SteelBlue|&HB48246|LightSteelBlue|&HDEC4B0|PowderBlue|&HE6E0B0|LightBlue|&HE6D8AD| SkyBlue|&HEBCE87|LightSkyBlue|&HFACE87|DeepSkyBlue|&HFFBF00|DodgerBlue|&HFF901E|CornflowerBlue|&HED9564|MediumSlateBlue|&HEE687B| RoyalBlue|&HE16941|Blue|&HFF0000|MediumBlue|&HCD0000|DarkBlue|&H8B0000|Navy|&H800000|MidnightBlue|&H701919|Cornsilk|&HDCF8FF| BlanchedAlmond|&HCDEBFF|Bisque|&HC4E4FF|NavajoWhite|&HADDEFF|Wheat|&HB3DEF5|BurlyWood|&H87B8DE|Tan|&H8CB4D2|RosyBrown|&H8F8FBC| SandyBrown|&H60A4F4|Goldenrod|&H20A5DA|DarkGoldenrod|&H0B86B8|Peru|&H3F85CD|Chocolate|&H1E69D2|SaddleBrown|&H13458B|Sienna|&H2D52A0| Brown|&H2A2AA5|Maroon|&H000080|White|&HFFFFFF|Snow|&HFAFAFF|Honeydew|&HF0FFF0|MintCream|&HFAFFF5|Azure|&HFFFFF0|AliceBlue|&HFFF8F0| GhostWhite|&HFFF8F8|WhiteSmoke|&HF5F5F5|Seashell|&HEEF5FF|Beige|&HDCF5F5|OldLace|&HE6F5FD|FloralWhite|&HF0FAFF|Ivory|&HF0FFFF| AntiqueWhite|&HD7EBFA|Linen|&HE6F0FA|LavenderBlush|&HF5F0FF|MistyRose|&HE1E4FF|Gainsboro|&HDCDCDC|LightGrey|&HD3D3D3|Silver|&HC0C0C0| DarkGray|&HA9A9A9|Gray|&H808080|DimGray|&H696969|LightSlateGray|&H998877|SlateGray|&H908070|DarkSlateGray|&H4F4F2F|Black|&H000000
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2015/10/15 11:44

In reply to by Jon

But isn't too much ?
I keep just a few named colors and use the supplied colors if I want something else


2015/10/15 12:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

But isn't too much ?
I keep just a few named colors and use the supplied colors if I want something else
I think so. I see color coding all the time at work, but how does one keep track of all the different shades? Yet here is the list. You can take from it only those that are useful or use the whole palette. 
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

Years ago,
someone made a file with a nice selection of lighter colours and a grid displaying them (it may even have been me who made it )
Does anyone remember that?
I had a look here but couldnt find it -- I'll have a look in my desktop sometime tomorrow to see if I can track it down.