Ever considering adding a spell check function to IQ, especially to the HTML pane?
There's nothing wrong with having spell check but I'll just give my opinion about it. I'd prefer Pierre to keep working on higher priority features, like the multi-pick categories for all fields. There are lots of spell check programs available that will work inside any program. Admittedly, some are pricey but AutoHotkey is free, though complicated. I've seen tinySpell recommended by Ecco Pro users. It's currently $10.
I think it's a fine idea, but I question its priority in the context of Pierre's workload. Contrary opinions are welcome.
The other advantage of using a dedicated spell program is that it allows you to get your personal dictionary set up once and you're set for spell checking in all your programs. Getting the dictionary set up can be time-consuming if you use a lot of technical terms etc that don't appear in mainstream dictionaries.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
Speaking of spell checking, Phraseexpander Standard is free on Give Away of the Day right now (Reg. $59). Only three hours to go but sometimes they extend to the next day.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
Took a quick look at the web sites for the two listed above and decided to give Asutype a try. Initial impression is excellent, it's great when you can install a program and literally be using it in 60 seconds, especially when it's reading text in the windows of other programs. Well designed and super fast. Can't believe I've never bothered to use one of these, the shortcut options are a no brainer for efficiency.
Took a quick look at the web sites for the two listed above and decided to give Asutype a try. Initial impression is excellent, it's great when you can install a program and literally be using it in 60 seconds, especially when it's reading text in the windows of other programs. Well designed and super fast. Can't believe I've never bothered to use one of these, the shortcut options are a no brainer for efficiency.
Agreed! Very well designed and super fast app.
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.