David's Requests

Submitted by David_H on 2016/02/03 02:36
Since I see a few others have put there overall priority wish lists into this subforum, here are mine.
1. I'd like to see the currently unused Grid area on the properties pane allow the user to navigate grids, and to group them, in the identical way that fields can be grouped in the properties pane.  This has probably been my top wish since I gave IQ my first try 8 year ago.  Looks like we're getting close .
2. Calendar integration so I can sync IQ with my Outlook calendar.  And it's very important that however that is made possible, that I can sync to a specific Outlook calendar, as opposed to the default Outlook calendar.
3.  A comprehensive tagging system that allows for the grouping of tags under categories, I find long flat tag lists unuseful.  Outlining/grouping is everything, including with tags.


I like your idea about the grid navigation.  I see that we already have the ability to right click on a grid tab, then click Grids, then select a grid to be displayed.  It would seem that the only thing that needs to be added is to display a hierarchical menu of grids when Grids is selected from the right-click menu. 


2016/04/03 19:03

In reply to by jimspoon

I like your idea about the grid navigation.  I see that we already have the ability to right click on a grid tab, then click Grids, then select a grid to be displayed.  It would seem that the only thing that needs to be added is to display a hierarchical menu of grids when Grids is selected from the right-click menu. 
There's a also the Omnibox (Ctrl+F). Probably faster, but no visual organization as it's not really the point.

Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

Here is an update to my wish list, new comments are added in red.
1. I'd like to see the currently unused Grid area on the properties pane allow the user to navigate grids, and to group them, in the identical way that fields can be grouped in the properties pane.  This has probably been my top wish since I gave IQ my first try 8 year ago.  Looks like we're getting close DONE!  I actually use a custom Home page feature for this, which is particularly amazing, and even more powerful than using the feature that now exists in the property pane.
2. Calendar integration so I can sync IQ with my Outlook calendar.  And it's very important that however that is made possible, that I can sync to a specific Outlook calendar, as opposed to the default Outlook calendar.
3. A comprehensive tagging system that allows for the grouping of tags under categories, I find long flat tag lists unuseful.  Outlining/grouping is everything, including with tags.  I am now already accomplishing most of this by using yes/no fields as tags and am convinced that IQ should implement tags around fields.  I find them infinitely more powerful than any of the other options.

Advantages of fields for tags:
- If you rename them, everything updates.  As opposed to using pop-ups.
- Can create hierarchies in the properties pane and assign them very quickly from there (versus a pop-up autolist, though it looks like it might soon be possible on them as well?)
- Requires no column in the grid to quickly assign.
- Easy to change en masse.
- Can use forms to assign common ones, which is very flexible.

Disadvantages of fields
- No way to quickly filter a grid on a field, unless a column for the field is added to the grid.
- No way (yet) to create Pop-ups that can select several fields. (but the properties pane and forms are an OK alternative)

4. Would like pop-ups that allow the user to perform multi-select from a number of predefined fields.
5. Would like pop-ups that allow the user to very quickly assign a parent (from another grid) to an item.  For instance, I would like to be in any grid and be able to click on a column, and assign the item as a child to a contact in the address book.  Not sure if this is already possible with a SQL query?


2019/12/03 18:50

In reply to by David_H

 Pretty exciting to see what has happened since this thread was first created! Updated list:
1. I'd like to see the currently unused Grid area on the properties pane allow the user to navigate grids, and to group them, in the identical way that fields can be grouped in the properties pane.  This has probably been my top wish since I gave IQ my first try 8 year ago.  Looks like we're getting close .  DONE!
2. Calendar integration so I can sync IQ with my Outlook calendar.  And it's very important that however that is made possible, that I can sync to a specific Outlook calendar, as opposed to the default Outlook calendar.  DONE! With Google Calendar.
3. A comprehensive tagging system that allows for the grouping of tags under categories, I find long flat tag lists unuseful.  Outlining/grouping is everything, including with tags.  DONE! Best tagging system of any program in existence!
4. Google Task sync.

5. Saved views for grids. As powerful as IQ is I'm surprised these don't exist. For our business one of the products we use is AirTable. It's a spreadsheet on steroids and one of the things we can do is save views with everything grouped and sorted per our requirements, example below. We use them constantly. All of these types of views are possible with IQ, but (to my knowledge) have to be created for a grid each time. Or a separate grid has to be created for every view which is not practical. 
Thank you for what you have created with IQ Pierre!


2019/12/21 18:49

In reply to by David_H

Hi Pierre, any thoughts on #5? Is it feasible to implement something like that in IQ? What is the closest I could come to duplicating that other than creating a grid for every single view, or manually creating them in a grid every time I want. which is not practical.
I am thinking that each "view" is primarily or entirely nothing more than a changing of grouping and sorting here, in case that matters.
Your thoughts?