Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/04/14 03:42
Sure would be great if we could have all instances of auto-search and column filter terms highlighted in our grids - just as they are higlighted in the Quick Find grid.  It would be very helpful for visually scanning our grids for the terms we are looking for (without having to press keys, etc).  You might provide a simple toggle button to turn this highlighting on and off. 
I know that we can already see Auto-Search text highlighted, but we have to press F3 to see the next matching instance of the text.  Instead I would like it if all instances of the auto-search text in the grid are highlighted simultaneously as we type.


Agreed, it would be nice !
If it was done in the live-search grid, it can also be done elsewhere... but for now I have more urgent stuff to do !
But thanks for the suggestion. I like having things like that on the back burner, there are days (most likely evenings) perfect for those.
IQ Designer


2016/04/15 00:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

i understand!