Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/05/14 11:09
I have read in another topic just today something about using "ctrl+spacebar" (maybe misread it :)). After trying it out, it didn't work, neither did just "spacebar".


- In a grid : spacebar should check a check box that has focus. It's always worked here.
- In the properties pane, while the focus is on a Y/N field name, ctrl then spacebar should check its check box.
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

Spacebar works here to tick/untick a y/n field (currently with version 76 & win.7)
Dont remember Ctrl+Spacebar (but have a short memory).
There was something about Ctrl+F2 having a different result than F2 when editing certain fields (maybe date fields?) but dont remember that exactly either..

Yes, spacebar works here as well.
It doesn't work on read-only fields though :))