Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/08/27 15:03
I'm trying to understand how the sync settings file (YourIQBase.ini), introduced in v80, works.
My database is main.sndb, and after running v.80 I found a main.ini file in the same folder as main.sndb.
I looked at its contents and found the following, which shows how I had things configured:
DBBackupPath=c:\infoqube backup
Right now I have sync disabled - I suppose this is shown by "MonitorFolder=False"..  The "..\sync" folder is a junction to the "real" sync folder in dropbox.  I was using a junction just to simply the specification of the monitorfolderpath and the filespath.  I don't know if doing this would have any adverse effect.
I used an absolute path for my dbbackuppath.  I don't imagine this creates any problems.
I am wondering about the "DBDataFilePath".  What is the purpose of this setting?  When I load main.sndb, it seems IQ looks in the same folder for the main.ini, to find out the locations of the backup, files, and monitor (sync) folders.  IQ already knows where the data file path is - it's the path of the loaded sndb file.
But I suppose that IQ could look for main.ini in some other location - for example the program files folder.  So if I tried to load my "main" sndb in IQ, and IQ doesn't find "main.sndb" in the expected location, it could look at "main.ini" in the IQ program files folder, and look for "main.sndb" in the "DBDataFilePath" location.  Is that the idea?
Or maybe "DBDataFilePath" just provides a base path for resolving relative path specifications for the backup, files, and monitor folders?


Hi Jim,
  1. The DBDataFilePath is generally not used. Your Main.sndb file stores both data and UI settings. The file is used in multi-user environments where is it convenient to separate data from UI.
  2. Using relative paths (or junction points) was the way to go prior to v80. It is best now to use absolute paths. In fact, as soon as you make a change in your paths, IQ now stores the absolute path, not the relative one.
IQ Designer