Submitted by viking on 2016/10/25 23:58
1. A couple of years ago, we discussed named filters. Has that been implemented yet (can't find it)?
2. In my ToDo Grid, I set the DateFilter toolbar to Today and  7 days. It shows that the Filter is 10/24-10/20.
However, Today is 10/25!? Furthermore, the filtered items are from 10/25 -10/30!??
3. I can not get the Custom duration to work. The entered number is ignored (with the custom button pressed). It just shows Today's items.
4. How do I filter from 1/1/01 - Today (like in Ecco)?


Hi viking
  1. Nope, named filters are not done. Each grid source filter does have a dropdown list however of recently used filters
  2. 7 days button is to show a week, so as for the Calendar, it uses your first day of the week, presumably Monday in your case, hence 24th. If you want a running 7 days, use the user-defined duration button
  3. On the date filter toolbar, Field=Todo, Operator= "=", Click on custom duration button and enter a duration (7) and press Refresh. It sometimes goes back to 0, I'll fix that. Then you can use the up/down buttons to change the 7 day window
  4. On the date filter toolbar, Field=Todo, Operator= "<", Click on 1 and click on Today
IQ Designer


2016/10/27 00:01

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

1. OK. But this only work for Source Filters (which I have not tried yet?
In Ecco, I have several filters which combines different fields with AND & OR. I guess that I would use the Source Filters for that?
2. OK
3. Yes, it went back to 0 sometimes. Not sure exactly when that happens.