Dont use search often:
1) I see that a search (Ctrl+F) for 'font' will show nothing:
- even though the word exists at least once in my db
- there are multiple examples of #font and fonts
Ctrl+F; type font, enter - focus goes to the grid.
could this be because 'font' is used within the IQ system in various places?
(Search seems to be working otherwise)
2) Using Auto-search in the grid (Ctrl+F3) seems to be hardly working:
As an example:
TLI with the word 'ready' in the text.
I select the adjoining item and type 'ready': focus springs to a TLI much further down that starts with 'Route'
does Auto-search only work for first word in the field?
Currently, the grid needs to be refreshed after changes to this setting. This will be fixed in v96